Friday, August 25, 2023

The Nazi Playbook for Taking Power

 From Dr. Zmirak at The Stream:

Let’s keep in mind what else has happened in the past few years, how the George Floyd rioters went unpunished, and are now winning civil settlements against the police who stopped them from burning and looting our cities. They were praised and bailed out by Kamala Harris. But peaceful January 6 protestors still languish in prison, or die by suicide — under the condemnation of former President George W. Bush, who called them the “children of the same foul spirit” as the 9/11 hijackers and mass murderers. Kyle Rittenhouse was charged with first degree murder for defending himself. Protestor Ashli Babbitt and bar-owner Jake Gardner are dead, God rest their souls.

President Trump was impeached for looking into the Biden family’s corruption, which now will be swept under the rug by the “special counsel” who cut a sweetheart, lifetime immunity deal for Hunter Biden that a court rejected. But Trump faces possible prison time for questioning the 2020 election results. Trump’s own attorney general, Deep State scion William Barr, is defending as constitutional the Department of Justice’s attack on Trump’s First Amendment rights.

What’s happening here? We can only call such a wildly double standard, worthy of the lynch-mob era Jim Crow South, Anarcho-Tyranny. That is, “Anarchy for me, and tyranny for thee.” (Read more.)


Also from Dr. Z at The Stream:

Liberation Theology is actually quite simple: You pretend that Jesus came here to conquer not sin, but the Roman empire. (Forget what a bad job He seemed to do at that.) Obsess about worldly wealth and power and fixate on stuff that other people have … which you want for yourself. But instead of doing something non-violent (like praying or working) to grow your own share, you join a revolutionary movement that wants to seize wealth and power from your neighbors, and put them in prison camps if they object.

Liberation Theology got pushed heavily by the KGB and duped Catholic clergy from the late 1960s on, and its attempt to remake Jesus as a proto-Marxist zealot intent on world revolution … drove off real Christians in droves. Many became Pentecostalists instead, creating thriving churches from Mexico City to Patagonia. (Read more.)


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