Friday, July 26, 2024

Friends of Marie-Antoinette, Part I

Madame de Polignac in Court Dress. No jewels, just flowers.

Here is a broadcast from Tea at Trianon Radio. Part 2, HERE. Part 3, HERE.


Biden's Choice

 From The New York Post:

Biden’s always been crafty. Cunning. Not for the country. For himself. For family. He never christened some extra special anything else for anybody else. Always the No. 2 guy. Never the brains. Not really sweating. Just glad-handing. We’re talking smiling. Surviving. Taking bows. Photos. Making friends. Connections. Learning how everything operates. But for him. Accomplishing for any other guy — zilch. When it comes to him, he’s savvy. The way he operates is it’s permanently his ass he’s saving. The man always knew how to hang on. If looking for accomplishments, try Biden’s son. Or Joe’s wife’s hairdresser. Or certain business people who operate his home state of Delaware, which is smaller than my Raisin Bran box. (Read more.)


The Vacuum of Space

 From Popular Mechanics:

In new preprint research, scientists in Slovenia have adjusted a calculation to determine how long we have before the vacuum of space decays. While this date is still an extraordinarily long time into the very, very far future, our math model to determine it is loose enough to invite more questions than answers.

It’s intuitive that we struggle to nail down the far future this way—it’s honestly more amazing that we can estimate the date at all. So, how do scientists do it?

Matt von Hippel explains about the “vacuum” in the standard model for Quanta. Our universe is filled by quantum fields, many of which are empty or zero. One, the Higgs field, is not:

 Called the Higgs field, it controls the mass of many fundamental particles, like electrons and quarks. Unlike every other quantum field physicists have discovered, the Higgs field has a default value above zero. Dialing the Higgs field value up or down would increase or decrease the mass of electrons and other particles. If the setting of the Higgs field were zero, those particles would be massless.

(Read more.)


Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Cathars and the Eucharist

The Cathars were not Christians nor did they belong to any monotheistic religion because they believed in more than one God. From William Hemsworth:

The Cathars were dualists who believed in two gods. One who created everything good and another who created everything evil. Essentially they believed that the god of the Old Testament was Satan, and the New Testament was the God we know. As they did with the Eucharist, they didn’t hold to the validity of any sacraments because the sacraments involve some kind of material. In their view all material is bad.

The human body was an evil construct because in entrapped angels in human flesh. Therefore anything to do with the human body was also deemed evil. Even procreation. Suicide was seen as a good way of escaping human bondage. Yes, they were opposed to the Eucharist as the Gnostics of old were. Their beliefs were dealt with by great saints such as St. Augustine and St. Irenaeus. Again I emphasize that they were not protestants that were persecuted by the Catholic church, but believers in type of modified Gnostic heresy. (Read more.)

Read more about the Cathars in my novel The Night's Dark Shade.


Pope Benedict XVI's Liturgical Theology

 From Stephanie Mann:

What I really appreciated was the clarity and balance of Millare's writing style; his declarative yet comprehensive sentences as he described the theologian-Cardinal/Pope's interaction with other theologians. Since I have read many of Romano Guardini's liturgical theology works, I was able to follow Millare's analysis of the issues of Ethos and Logos and even the models of meal/banquet and sacrifice easily. And when Millare compares and contrasts Ratzinger's thoughts with other theologians I'm not familiar with, like Moltman and Metz, he provides the necessary detail and context, even as he emphasizes the central themes of Logos and the eschaton.

In fact, the "consistency and centrality of the Logos" versus placing Ethos at the center of theology, liturgical, moral, or fundamental is one of most crucial themes of the entire book. It informs Millare's discussion of the Sacrifice of the Mass, of the Communion of the Church and the Second Coming, with hope for the New Heavens and the New Earth, of the mission of the Church and the congregation attending Mass and receiving Holy Communion and then going to the world to share the Love of God and neighbor; and the beauty of art and architecture of the celebration of Mass and our churches, etc.

Millare summarizes his study of Pope Benedict XVI's theology of worship and the eschaton thusly on page 266:

Ratzinger describes his work as having an "incomplete character," yet I have demonstrated that there is a unity within his "fragmentary" writings that is defined by the primacy and centrality of the Logos incarnate. It has been argued throughout this book how the focus on the loges consistently unites his eschatology with his theology of liturgy, in whose orbit can also be found his Christology, ecclesiology, theological anthropology, and ethics.

The text is supplemented with extensive footnotes and a substantial bibliography. Well worth reading, even for a non-specialist. I read it after a discussion of the Resurrection and Ascension chapters in Pope Benedict XVI's Holy Week volume in the Jesus of Nazareth trilogy with my theologian friend and in the midst of the Eucharistic Revival here in the USA. (Read more.)

A New Charter

 From Charles Coulombe at The European Conservative:

Knights came in many different varieties. Originally, knighthood could be bestowed by any other knight, a bishop, or a sovereign; but in time, the latter claimed to be the sole owner of that power. Nevertheless, the great independent orders of knighthood—the Templars, Hospitallers (later Malta), Teutonic Knights, etc.—retained their independence after the fall of Jerusalem, although the first of those suffered a terrible suppression. Then followed the knights of the royal orders, such as Britain’s Garter, France’s St. Esprit, and Burgundy/Austria/Spain’s Order of the Golden Fleece. There were also hereditary knighthoods granted, along with the British equivalent, the Baronets.

The nobility and knights were considered one class or estate in mediaeval society, with the churchmen being another, and commoners (depending on the country, often including the gentry and the patricians) being the third. In some places, the commons were divided, and there were four rather than three estates. But many were the pictures in the Middle Ages that depicted priest, knight, and peasant, each with a phrase indicating their respective position in the collective order: “I defend all” by the knight; “I bless all,” by the priest, and “I feed all,” by the peasant.

As the Middle Ages wore on, representatives of these estates took on ever more responsibility; if their Emperor or King needed extra money, they would be convoked and asked to fund whatever difficulty had arisen. In England, the abbots and bishops (‘Lords Spiritual’) and titled nobility (‘Lords Temporal’) were brought together in one House of Lords. The House of Commons arose from the joint gatherings of the representatives of the boroughs with landowners returned by their neighbours from the various counties—the ‘Knights of the Shire.’ These developments were paralleled across Europe, with nobility and knights sitting in what became Upper Houses throughout the Continent. Alongside the monarchs and the Church, the nobility became the great patrons of art, music, and dance, even as they pioneered hunting and dotted the countryside from Portugal and Ireland to Russia with their great houses and castles. But these arrangements would totter and fall. (Read more.)


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Florence Nightingale’s Childhood Home



 From Country Life:

The beautiful Lea Hurst has gorgeous views, delightful rooms and a fascinating history. Lea Hurst, in the traditional Derbyshire village of Holloway, is at first glance a classic and beautiful stone-built, Grade II-listed home overlooking the scenic Derwent Valley at the south-eastern edge of the Peak District. Look beyond that first impression, however, and you find some fascinating history: Lea Hurst was Florence Nightingale’s much-loved childhood home, and it’s now seeking a new owner. Blue Book’s Sebastian Hipwood quotes a guide price of £3.75m for what is a splendid country home set in more than 19 acres of beautifully landscaped gardens and parkland on high ground overlooking the Derwent Valley. The house offers generous living space on several levels, with four principal reception rooms, including a triple-aspect formal drawing room, a large kitchen/breakfast room, 13 bedrooms and eight bathrooms. (Read more.)



Iran Closer to Having the Bomb

 From The Billings Gazette:

 Iran is talking more about getting a nuclear bomb and made strides in developing a key aspect of a weapon since about April, when Israel and its allies overpowered Iranian airstrikes targeting Israel, two top Biden administration officials said Friday. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and national security adviser Jake Sullivan, speaking at separate panels during a security forum in Colorado, said the U.S. is watching closely for any signs that Iran made a decision to pursue actual weaponization of its nuclear program. However, Sullivan said, "I have not seen a decision by Iran to move" in a way that signals it has decided to actually develop a nuclear bomb right now. Iran resumed progress on its nuclear program after the Trump administration ended U.S. cooperation with a 2015 deal that gave Iran sanctions relief in return for tougher oversight of the program. (Read more,)


Lorrha Stories: Irish Monasticism

 From The Abbey of Misrule:

St Ruadhán was one of the ‘twelve apostles of Ireland’, a collective of significant early Irish saints who studied under the legendary St Finian of Clonard. Ruadhán (whose name is pronounced ‘Rowan’, and means ‘red-haired’) was, like his fellow apostles, a monk of the Celtic tradition, which later came into conflict with Rome over various issues, like the date of Easter, the correct form of tonsure and other such theological details. In reality though, these issues were secondary to the real one, which was how much power Rome should have over monasteries in distant lands.

In early Ireland, Christianity was monastic, and it was Abbots rather than Bishops who called the shots. Irish monasticism had, for around 500 years, developed a specifically ‘Celtic’ character which seems to have been greatly influenced - and, I think, directly seeded - by Egyptian desert monks. This was the age of the round tower, the beehive hut and the small-scale, ascetic Christianity of the Wild Saints. It was the world of Patrick and Kevin, Colmcille and Bridget.

The Pontiff in Rome, however, wanted this scruffy, desert Christianity reined in under a hierarchy of Bishops answerable to him, and in Ireland, as in England a century before, the Normans would be his vessels. In 1066, the Norman king William the Conqueror (William the Bastard to his friends) had invaded England, killing its legitimate (and elected) King, Harold II, at the Battle of Hastings. He had done so under the Papal banner, which he had carried into battle, and on his victory he set about demolishing the old wooden Anglo-Saxon churches and building new, stone ‘Romanesque’ ones in their places. He also gave the green light to the continental monastic orders to move in and replace their indigenous counterparts. (Read more.)


Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Engraving of Louis XVII

From Vive la Reine:

Louis XVII, 1793-5 (engraving), French School, (18th century)
Louis Charles de Bourbon (1785-95); Dauphin after the death of his older brother in 1789; King Louis XVII of France in 1793; royalist print depicting Louis in armour with the portraits of his parents, Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette on his shield, with a spear and helmet decorated with fleur de lis and brandishing a sword in a pose reminiscent of Jeanne d’Arc; used as a rallying symbol by the ‘Chevaliers de Poignard’;


Tucker Carlson and Jack Posobiec React to the Trump Shooting and the Coup Against Biden



Illustrious Queen

 Philippa of Lancaster, Queen of Portugal. From History...the Interesting Bits:

As with most high-born women of the time, Philippa’s marriage was in the hands of her father. John of Gaunt planned for her to contract a dynastic match which would benefit and complement his own dynastic ambitions. In 1374, Philippa was betrothed to Gaston, Count of Foix, but nothing came of it. In 1381/2 she was offered in marriage to Jean de Blois, claimant to the duchy of Brittany; and in 1383 her prospective husband was Count William of Ostrevant, the heir to Hainault, Holland and Zeeland.

In 1385 and 25 years old Philippa was still unmarried. However, in the following year her father took her on his military expedition to Spain, hoping to claim the kingdom of Castile in right of his 2nd wife, Constance. Philippa’s marriage to John – or Joao – I of Portugal was agreed as part of an alliance made between the 2 Johns at Ponte do Mouro in November 1386.

Philippa was married to King John at Oporto on 2nd February 1387, before they had even received the required papal dispensation. The British Museum has a beautifully illuminated manuscript (above) which depicts the wedding, with John of Gaunt and his wife, Constance, looking on. Philippa was 26 – about 10 years older than the average age for a princess to marry. John was 3 years her senior and had been king for just short of 2 years. (Read more.)


Monday, July 22, 2024

The Poetry of Madame Royale

From Anna Gibson:
The following are some excerpts from translations of some of the poetry that Marie Thérèse wrote during her imprisonment in the Temple and were kept by the family of Madeleine Bocquet-Chanterenne. Although simply written, her words reflects the pain and sorrow that the young girl experienced in her often terrifying and lonely captivity.

I was your king's daughter
separated from all my family.
I languish in this sad jail
Alas! I say with good reason
Even though I am alone and sad
My jail would appear happy to me
If I was in this place with my brother.
(Read more.)

HUGE: Italy BANS Solar Panels on Farm Land

From Peter Sweden:

Fantastic news coming out of Italy as they once again goes against the Klaus Scwhab agenda. In order to protect farming, the right-wing government in Italy has now banned the installation of ground mounted solar panels in agricultural areas. Prime Minister Georgia Meloni has said that the rollout of solar panels on farmland is a ”threat to our food sovereignty”.

Climate fanatics are not happy with this move, as they complaining that this will undermine the green goals and that Italy won’t be able to fulfill its green goals by 2030. However, they will still allow agri-voltaic solar panels that are placed 2.1 metres above fields in a way that will allow crops to grow underneath the panels.

Georgia Meloni says that this new decree corrects ”the ideological eco-follies of which Italy and its farmers have been victims”.

This is good news, as otherwise special Italian products that is loved all around the world might have been under threat. Now we are seeing a continued attack on farmers under the guise of climate change. In reality what we are seeing is Climate Communism. This isn’t the first time that the right-wing government in Italy has gone against the WEF agenda. (Read more.)



 From Space:

Solar scientists have spotted indications that the next solar cycle is beginning. That is despite the fact that it isn't due for another six years, and the current solar cycle (Cycle 25) is still in progress. The current solar cycle is expected to reach its peak or "solar maximum" midway through 2025 when the magnetic field of our star will flip and its poles will switch. Leading up to this solar activity has been ramping up with an increase in sunspots, solar flares and eruptions of stellar plasma called coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Despite the gearing up of Cycle 25 to its peak, it looks like Cycle 26 just can't wait to tag in. The rumblings of the onset of the next 11-year-long solar cycle came in the form of "starquakes," sound waves ricocheting through the interior of the sun detected by researchers from the University of Birmingham. (Read more.)


Sunday, July 21, 2024

The Paris Temple

The former Temple enclosure in Paris

 The tower of the original Paris Temple was used as a prison during the French Revolution to house Louis XVI, Marie-Antoinette and their family. It was torn down by Napoleon in 1808 to discourage the pilgrims who were flocking to the site. From the BBC:

Their original estate has long since succumbed to the great march of history, but you can still visit the site on which it once stood on rue de Lobau, located just behind the Hôtel de Ville. Back in the day, surrounding the mansion were miles of uncultivated marshland. In order to make the land arable, the Knights Templar set about drying the marsh – a feat that they were able to fully achieve circa 1240. But though the wetlands have long since disappeared, the area is still referred to as ‘le Marais’ or ‘the Marsh’....

Surrounded by eight 10m-high crenelated walls reinforced by turrets and buttress, this gargantuan fortress once featured towers, a drawbridge, a gothic church, vast stables and homes for the knights. It was here that the Templars guarded mass portions of their treasure and created a powerful ‘state-within-a-state’ that was entirely sovereign from the kings of France.

While this system of sovereignty worked for a time, everything changed in 1303 when the Knights Templar were forced to move their base of operations from the Temple Mount to their European headquarters – the enclos du Temple – after Jerusalem was recaptured by Muslim armies.

The king of France at the time, Philip the Fair, deeply resented the Knights Templar’s powerful ‘state-within-a-state’ and resolved to bring the order down by any means necessary. King Philip’s reasoning for destroying the order is speculated to this day, though many scholars believe his motivations were financial. “Philip could use the silver coin he acquired from the Templars' treasury in Paris to improve the quality of the heavily debased French coinage,” explained Dr Helen Nicholson, author of The Knights Templar: A New History and professor of medieval history at Cardiff University. (Read more.)

From Paris Marais:
To the north east lay stretches of marshland, remnants of the ancient branch of the Seine that had once flowed down from the heights of Belleville, east of Paris. It took the hardy Templars barely a century to turn it into the market garden (marais) of the capital, emulating the monks of Saint Martin des Champs who had dried up the swamps on the western fringe of the future arrondissement a century earlier. Having redeemed the land, they moved to its north-eastern edge, where they built a fortified compound,  l'Enclos du Temple, which also served as their European headquarters.

Forget about Rennes-le-Château and other such fantasies - there was nothing mysterious about the Order. Rather, it was their sophisticated farming methods that enabled them to redeem the marshy land of the future Marais, and it was their acute business acumen that incited them to use their geographical dispersion to advantage and develop a kind of international deposit bank  which contributed to the continual increase of their wealth. This, and their independence, were jealously kept behind the crenellated walls of the Enclos du Temple, roughly on the site of today's rue du Temple, rue de Bretagne, rue de Picardie and rue Béranger, south of Place de la République. It was complete with watch towers and a drawbridge that led to the Temple' only gate (now corner of rue des Fontaines-du-Temple and rue du Temple). (Read more.)
Banner honoring Louis XVII who died in the Temple

More HERE.

Coup Simulation


From Bethel McGrew at Further Up:

This happened in 2021. Now, fast-forward to July, 2024. Donald Trump has nearly been assassinated. On an Instagram post about the shooting, a Dallas PD officer posts the comment, “Aim better.” Allegedly, it’s visible only to his friends. But it becomes public, and he’s immediately put on paid leave while the department investigates. The officer’s lawyer has claimed the remark was taken out of context and was meant as a reference to the inept Secret Service. His police chief says that if this defense proves untrue, then “the comment made has no place in our society and certainly no place in law enforcement.”

Meanwhile, in Pennsylvania, a fireman made a tweet that left his meaning in no doubt: “Too bad it didn’t hit him square.” The tweet was reported and removed, but not before a screenshot had gone viral. He later announced that his reputation was in tatters, his family and friends had received threats, and he had chosen to resign. “I’m ashamed that I’ve brought this to you. I’ve already lost several people extremely close to me. I expect to lose more.”

In upstate New York, a woman named Darcy Waldron Pinckney posted a comment on a friend’s Facebook wall that left her meaning in no doubt: “To [sic] bad they weren’t a better shooter!!!!” When someone challenged her, she doubled down: “He is the definition of corrupt and evil.”

Not long afterwards, a man tracked her down at her place of work, berated her on camera, and sent the video viral, vowing to “make you famous.” In a couple days, she was fired, with a statement that her behavior did not reflect the company’s “values.” Her employer? Home Depot. (Read more.)

Brother of Bel Air murder victim speaks at the Republican convention. From Maryland Matters:

The brother of a Maryland woman whose 2023 murder has fanned the flames of immigration policy debate addressed a packed arena Tuesday night at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee.

“Open borders are often portrayed as compassionate and virtuous,” said Michael Morin, 40, of Churchville. “But there is nothing compassionate about allowing violent criminals into our country and robbing children of their mother. My sister’s death was preventable.”

Rachel Morin, a 37-year-old mother of five, was reported missing Aug. 5 after going for a jog on the Ma & Pa Trail in Bel Air. Her body was found nearby the following day.

Harford County Sheriff Jeff Gahler on June 15 announced the arrest of Victor Antonio Martinez-Hernandez, 23, in connection with Morin’s murder. Gahler said Martinez-Hernandez entered the country illegally in February 2023 after murdering a woman in his native El Salvador. He is also accused of a home invasion and assault in Los Angeles in March 2023.

Video and DNA evidence from the California crime helped connect Morin’s murder to Martinez-Hernandez, who was arrested in Oklahoma and extradited to Maryland.

State Sen. Johnny Ray Salling (R-Baltimore County), a Maryland delegate at the convention, told Capital News Service last week: “We have a problem with crime along the border. We have criminals that are coming to our nation that are just, not committing crimes, that they’re murdering people.” (Read more.)


20,000 Years Ago in Argentina

Giant armadillos. From Live Science:

Ancient humans may have butchered and eaten a giant armadillo-like creature around 20,000 years ago in what is now Argentina, a new study finds. The discovery of the butchered bones supports a growing body of evidence that people spread throughout the Americas much earlier than previously assumed.

During the Late Pleistocene epoch (129,000 to 11,700 years ago), ice sheets and glaciers covered much of the planet, particularly during the Last Glacial Maximum, a period around 26,000 to 20,000 years ago when the ice age was at its height. While archaeologists previously thought that the first Americans arrived by journeying along a land bridge connecting Siberia with Alaska 13,000 years ago, archaeological sites discovered in North and South America in the last decade point to humans arriving in the region much earlier. (Read more.)


Saturday, July 20, 2024

The History of Wroxton Abbey

 Wroxton Abbey was where Charles I and Henrietta Maria spent the night after they were joyously reunited following a fifteen month separation, as the Queen had journeyed abroad to raise arms and money. As its name bears witness, the house was once an Augustinian monastery. According to the Wroxton Abbey website:

Wroxton is one of the 13,418 places listed in the 1086 Domesday Book, ordered by William the Conqueror as the first modern assessment for taxation. In 1089 Guy de Reinbeudcurt, the Lord of Chipping Warden, was the owner of the Wroxton manor lands. By 1120 the estate, now taxed at the rate of 17 hides, passed to his young son Richard. Upon his death the estate passed to his daughter Margery and her husband Robert Foloit.

In 1173, when Robert became a monk, his son Richard inherited the property. The Wroxton property, along with the entire barony of Chipping Warden, was inherited by Wishard Ledet in 1203 when he married Richard’s daughter Margaret. Wishard’s daughter Christine then held the estate until she died a very old woman in 1271.
Her great granddaughter Christine took the Wroxton part of the Chipping Warden estate and married Sir John Latimer. At this point history loses sight of the Wroxton ownership. What is known, however, is that during the early part of the 12th century, members of the Belet family were tenants at the Wroxton manor property. Harvey was the first of the Belets to hold the tenancy. His son Michael was the hereditary butler to King Henry II. The estate, and the office of Royal Butler, passed to his son Master Michael Belet, a lawyer who had become a friend of Grostête (Greathead), the Bishop of Lincoln.

Sometime between 1200 and 1209 Master Michael Belet was granted a charter by King John for the foundation of a priory at Wroxton in honor of St. Mary. The charter was ratified by Henry III in 1251 after an inspection proved that terms of the charter had been fulfilled. Belet would later officiate as the King’s Butler at Henry’s wedding with Eleanor of Provence. 

The institution he established, The Priory of Canons Regular of St. Augustine, continued in existence until 1536, when Henry VIII dissolved the monasteries.

Belet endowed the Priory with his Wroxton manor house, demesne, and other properties, valued at £78 l3s 4d. He was prior and vicar of Wroxton. The deed of foundation indicated that it was the Belets’ Chantry House, a chapel endowed for the singing of masses for the founder after his death. The prior was permitted at least twelve canons and was given free administration of Wroxton.

A Canon Regular of St. Augustine

A Canon Regular of St. Augustine

The priory buildings, which must have dated from the early 13th century, were modified at least once after an inventory of 1218. In 1304 they were reported out of repair and financial assistance was sought from visitors. The prior asked for the granting of three years’ indulgence to visitors who would assist them.

While the priory buildings were being modified, the demesne was expanded by a number of land purchases. When the priory was dissolved in 1536, it had twenty tenants and held almost all the lands in the parish of Wroxton and Balscote. The last prior, Thomas Smith, along with eight other monks of Wroxton, pledged to the king’s supremacy on the 6th of August of 1531. It was to be of no avail, however, as in the following year, all monasteries of the size of Wroxton were given to the King.

In an account of the dissolution of the Wroxton priory, all possessions of the community were listed. Soon after, the property was leased to William Raynesford of Wroxton by Henry VIII’s Court of Augmentations. The Treasurer of this Court was Sir Thomas Pope, a person of great influence during the latter part of Henry VIII’s reign. He was also guardian to the Princess Elizabeth and later a favorite at the court of Queen Mary. (Read more.)


On the Security Failure at Butler

 From Collin Rugg on X:

Senator Josh Hawley says whistleblowers have come forward, alleges the Biden DHS assigned “unprepared and inexperienced personnel” to Trump who weren’t even Secret Service. 

“Whistleblowers who have direct knowledge of the event have approached my office. According to the allegations, the July 13 rally was considered to be a loose' security event,” Hawley said in a letter to Mayorkas. “For example, detection canines were not used to monitor entry and detect threats in the usual manner. Individuals without proper designations were able to gain access to backstage areas.” 

“Department personnel did not appropriately police the security buffer around the podium and were also not stationed at regular intervals around the event's security perimeter.” 

“In addition, whistleblower allegations suggest the majority of DHS officials were not in fact USSS agents but instead drawn from the department's Homeland Security Investigations (HSI).” 

“This is especially concerning given that HSI agents were unfamiliar with standard protocols typically used at these types of events, according to the allegations.” (Read more.)


From The National Pulse:

 United States Secret Service (USSS) Director Kimberly Cheatle was lambasted by a group of Republican United States Senators as she walked through the Republican National Convention (RNC) on Wednesday. The Senators demanded answers and transparency regarding the security failures that led to Saturday’s attempted assassination of former President Donald J. Trump.

“This was an assassination attempt! You owe the people answers. You owe President Trump answers,” shouted Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) as she and others kept stride with Cheatle through the convention concourse. Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY), meanwhile, accused the USSS director of “stonewalling.” (Read more.)


The Philosophy of J.D. Vance



A Detransitioner’s Pregnancy Journey

 From Independent Women's Forum:

As a result of cross-sex hormones and the removal of her healthy body parts, 26-year-old detransitioner Prisha Mosley assumed she was infertile. That’s why, when a doctor treating her for post-transition hormonal issues asked if she could be pregnant, Mosley laughed.

“I was sad and thought it was impossible,” Mosley said. “I told him that I was sure I couldn’t.”

But Mosley had missed her last period and thought that perhaps she was being paranoid about her ability to get pregnant. So on her way home, she bought three pregnancy tests. When the tests came back positive, Mosley sent a photo to her boyfriend asking if her eyes were working.

Eight months later, “It still feels that unreal,” Mosley said.

On June 3, Mosley gave birth to a healthy baby boy via c-section. She is among the first wave of female detransitioners to embark on a motherhood journey filled with healing and new beginnings, but laced with more medical experiments and unknowns. (Read more.)


Friday, July 19, 2024

Marie-Antoinette's Library at Versailles

All of the Queen's books were bound in red Moroccan leather and stamped in gold with her coat-of-arms

From Les Carnets de Versailles [translated by Tea at Trianon]:
Several handwritten catalogs, written between 1781 and 1792, list the Queen's books: nearly 500 titles, for a set of around 1,800 volumes. We find on the shelves of Versailles all the great authors, Latin and Greek classics as well as French and foreign writers. The ancients...but also La Fontaine, Boileau, Corneille, Molière, Racine, Regnard, Crébillon, Destouches, Madame de Sévigné, Madame de La Fayette, Lesage rub shoulders with the contemporaries - Voltaire, Rousseau, Beaumarchais , Goldoni, Defoe, Mme Riccoboni, Fielding, Richardson…
Marie-Antoinette had a certain predilection for romantic literature, entertaining works, theater and music. It also has a large music library (scores and booklets) supplied by the Menus Plaisirs. The more austere books, less appreciated by the sovereign, are not overlooked: theology (Pascal, Bossuet, Fénelon, Bourdaloue, Massillon, Nicole), history (Mézeray, Montfaucon…), science (Buffon, Nollet, Duhamel du Monceau …) are present on the shelves. There are also large volumes of travel and archeology, illustrated with magnificent engravings.... 
Like many of the Château's collections, the books formerly stored in the Queen's library have been scattered. The shelves today hold a deposit from the National Library of France, composed of 18th century works, of royal origin, selected for their binding in red morocco. Some books with the arms of Queen Marie-Antoinette were nevertheless able to return to the site, in particular the two acquisitions made in 2019: an Office of the Virgin, printed in 1771 by Michel Lambert, and Les Lacunes de la philosophie, by François Louis d ' Escherny, published in 1783. (Read more.)
Faux bookshelf disguising a door panel
More on the Queen's library, HERE. Marie-Antoinette also had a library at Petit Trianon, HERE and HERE.

Fani Willis' Case Against Trump Can't Proceed Until AFTER November Election

 From The Georgia Record:

Yesterday, the Georgia State Court of Appeals issued an order granting oral arguments in the disqualification case against Fani Willis. They set the date for arguments on December 5, 2024 - AFTER the November election. In June the Court ordered an indefinite postponement of Willis' RICO case against President Trump and other defendants pending the outcome of her disqualification case. This latest Court ruling means that she will not be able to proceed with her case against Trump until AFTER the November elections. (Read more.)


A Hydrogen Galaxy

 From DigitiMed:

If verified, the object might provide scientists a glimpse into an early period of galaxy history. “I’ve been in this field for quite a few decades, and we’ve wanted to find something like this for a very long time,” says research leader Karen O’Neil, an astronomer at West Virginia’s Green Bank Observatory, to Astronomy. The first indication of something unexpected was a difference between observations obtained by the Green Bank Telescope (GBT) and the Nançay Radio Telescope in France as part of a coordinated study of dim galaxies. Though they were meant to be staring at the same sky, the 100-meter-wide GBT detected something the Nançay Radio Telescope did not.

“Upon looking a little bit closer at it and spending far too much time, we discovered that we had actually mistyped the coordinates in the GBT catalog,” O’Neil stated Jan. 8 at a news conference at the American Astronomical Society (AAS) winter meeting in New Orleans. “This is something, unfortunately, astronomers do occasionally late at night.”  (Read more.)


Thursday, July 18, 2024

Henrietta Maria: Number One Lawbreaker

Henrietta Maria holding a butterfly

 My guest post at an amazing site called Novels Alive

In the lone tent, waiting for victory,
She stands with eyes marred by the mists of pain,
Like some wan lily overdrenched with rain:
The clamorous clang of arms, the ensanguined sky,
War’s ruin, and the wreck of chivalry
To her proud soul no common fear can bring:
Bravely she tarrieth for her Lord the King,
Her soul a-flame with passionate ecstasy.
~from “Henrietta Maria” by Oscar Wilde

Henriette-Marie of France, or “Henrietta Maria,” is the protagonist of my new novel My Queen, My Love (Mayapple Books, November 25, 2021), the first of the Henrietta of France Trilogy. It is the story of the fifteen-year-old princess Henriette-Marie who is mandated by the Pope and by her brother the King of France to convert the English back to Catholicism by marrying their King, Charles I. Meanwhile, the Catholic Faith is outlawed in the British Isles, so as Queen she becomes the number one lawbreaker. The powerful Duke of Buckingham tries to thwart her growing influence with her husband. And England has become known as a place where queens lose their heads. 


As Regent, Queen Marie chose to avoid war by making peace with the other Catholic powers of Spain and the Holy Roman Empire. She believed that Catholic monarchies should unite to keep Protestantism at bay. She sent her youngest daughter Henriette to marry in England because she believed there was a chance of bringing Charles I into Catholicism. So at fifteen years old Henriette-Marie aka Henrietta Maria was sent to marry Charles Stuart, who was a decade or so older. The royal couple initially clashed over culture and religion. They quarreled whenever together and so avoided each other for weeks at a time. When they finally did fall in love, theirs became one of the most devoted in the history of royal marriages, and was blessed with nine children. (Read more.)

A review from Gwendalyn's Books:

Henrietta is one to root for as we see the very young bride overcome so many obstacles. Particularly because she is a devout Catholic, and by the actions of the villainess character, George Villiers.

The author take great care to include a vast amount of characters, which made for a more rewarding read for me. A book to catapult its readers into the turbulent era of England in the 1600’s. From the beginning I was hooked and read this one in a day.

Historical fiction at its finest. This was an exceptional portrait of a the wife of Charles I. Brought stunningly to life, with seamless narration and three dimensional characters, a true treasure piece of historical fiction.

E.M. Vidal meticulous research and descriptive writing, has brought one of England’s most tragic queens, Henrietta Maria, vividly to life. (Read more.)


Dictatorships and Right Standards

 From Daniel McCarthy at Modern Age:

The Cold War victory itself has turned to ashes. The U.S. expanded NATO yet failed to contain post-Soviet Russia. For nearly a decade, a newly free Russia posed little threat to its neighbors, but whatever opportunity existed to incorporate this former opponent into the U.S.-led order was squandered. American policymakers took pride in having contributed to the fall of the Soviet Union through far-sighted strategy, but they had no success in devising equally far-sighted strategies to win the peace and secure Russian democracy. 

The architects of America’s unsuccessful foreign policy of the last three decades have been almost uniformly liberals. That has been true in Republican administrations as well as Democratic ones. Liberal internationalists tend to believe that harmony is the default condition of mankind. On that assumption, the fall of authoritarian or totalitarian regimes should always produce democratic and liberal outcomes, though they may take time to emerge. That’s one reason Washington invests billions in nongovernmental organizations, international institutions, and “peacekeeping” missions around the world. After a despotism is toppled, social work is all that’s needed to set a country right, even if some of that social work must be performed by soldiers.

A certain kind of self-described conservative or realist believes much the same thing, only with a narrow emphasis on the formula’s first part, the destruction of evildoers. These quasi-realists insist that they are not democratic idealists or liberals (or indeed neoconservatives). Yet they have only half a foreign policy and must rely on liberals to supply the other half. George W. Bush could decry “nation-building” when he ran for president in 2000, but once he went to war he and his administration could conceive of no alternative to prolonged occupation and nation-building in both Iraq and Afghanistan. John Bolton is not so much a realist as an embarrassed neoconservative, one bashful about admitting that nation-building is the natural corollary of regime change as practiced by an overwhelmingly liberal foreign-policy establishment in both parties. Right-leaning defense intellectuals might focus on enemies to be defeated, but they defer to their liberal colleagues when it comes to envisioning peace.

A bipartisan liberal foreign policy is failing once again under President Biden. It presents no answers to the Israel–Gaza crisis. Gaza is as inhospitable to liberalism as Afghanistan ever was, if not more so, while Israel cannot wholly adopt liberalism without endangering its own existence. The Biden administration, unable to make sense of this reality, proceeds to arm Israel while condemning the country for not fighting the war by liberal means or for liberal ends. Republicans in Congress characteristically see the immediate need to eradicate Hamas but imagine the peace will take care of itself. American policy is similarly aimless in Ukraine: neither the Biden administration nor congressional Republicans outline a plausible path to victory no matter how much aid the Ukrainians receive. The bipartisan strategy is all but explicitly one of deferring defeat. (Read more.)


Extinct Bird Returns tσ New Zeɑlɑnd

 From Exgenus:

In a massive and historic conservation success story, eighteen takahē birds have been released into the wilds of a nature reserve on Lake Wakatipu. This is hoped to be followed by seven more in October, and another 10 in the early months of next year as this rediscovered wonder continues its long road to recovery into the third separate breeding population in the wild. The automobile was still a novel sight in London when the takahē was declared extinct. This iridescent flightless bird is a symbol of New Zealand’s unique prehistoric past, but it evolved on an island without mammals, and with their invasive introduction came what might have been the bird’s ultimate demise. (Read more.)


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Remembering the Romanovs

It is the anniversary of the massacre of the Russian Imperial family which occurred on the night of July 16-17, 1918.

Our Lady of Champion Painting Will Be Unveiled at the National Eucharistic Congress

 From National Catholic Register:

Our Lady will have a place at the National Eucharistic Congress (NEC) — including under the title Our Lady of Champion. A new painting showing Our Lady appearing to Belgian immigrant Adele Brise — the Church-approved apparitions involved three appearances of Mary in the Wisconsin woods in 1859 — will be unveiled at the NEC before it is enshrined Aug. 15 at the namesake Marian shrine.

This notable painting will make its main debut in a smaller reproduction at the NEC in Indianapolis. In a way, this national event helped inspire the painting. One of the representatives of the congress was leading an initiative and working with churches and sacred places around the country to commission new sacred art to beautify the spaces of prayer in Indianapolis. After the congress, these new works, the planning dictated, would “go home” to their permanent places in the church or shrine that commissioned them.

When the representative presented the possibility to the National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion, the shrine thought it was “a wonderful idea to create more art surrounding Our Lady of Champion’s apparitions in the United States and to encourage artists to use their God-given talents to bring awareness to Marian devotion in the United States,” said Chelsey Hare, director of communications at the shrine. (Read more.)


The Courage of J.D. Vance



From Daniel McCarthy at Compact:

Vance has a rich biography, of which his bestselling 2016 memoir, Hillbilly Elegy, is a powerful part. He served in the US Marine Corps. He earned degrees from Ohio State University and Yale Law School. He succeeded in finance, and in the Obama era was already making his voice heard, and ideas known, as a writer. Vance came of age as a public voice at a time of (dare I say) post-paleoconservatism. The George W. Bush years had ended in disaster for Republicans and the conservative movement. There were attempts by many in Washington and New York to devise something new that wouldn’t be “paleo” or as hard-edged as Buchananism, but that would ask, however belatedly, the questions that had to be asked about capitalism, foreign policy, and the nexus of society and morality in the era after the Manichean struggle with Communism. Ross Douthat, Reihan Salam, Yuval Levin, and numerous others became “reform conservatives,” or moved in parallel with those who accepted that label.

David Frum was one of the 1990s neoconservatives who had taken the trouble to read the paleoconservatives, if only to more forcefully denounce them. He served in the George W. Bush administration, where he promoted war with the cockamamie concept of the “Axis of Evil.” Afterward, he had an association for some time with National Review, until he had a bitter split with the magazine that in 2003 had published his anti-antiwar-conservative screed “Unpatriotic Conservatives.” Having been kicked out of movement conservatism—whatever was left of it at that point—he set up his own website, FrumForum, before he alighted on a perch at The Atlantic. A young J.D. Vance—who at 39 isn’t exactly old today—contributed to the short-lived FrumForum.        

A few years later came Hillbilly Elegy, and after that, some personal text messages and public statements expressing distaste for Donald Trump in strong terms. These remarks are now the stuff of CNN exposés and attempts to embarrass the 2024 GOP ticket. The story about Vance that Frum, Mitt Romney, and the media that hate Trump would like everyone to accept goes as follows: Vance was a smart and compassionate man who sold his soul to the devil, first for a Senate seat, now for a slot on Satan’s own presidential ticket. Trump is a rich man who isn’t a populist of any kind, despite the curious fact that ordinary people who’ve been screwed over by elites keep voting for him—he’s a populist in their eyes, but what do they know? Vance had all the makings of a good, respectable member of the slightly chastened liberal or neoconservative elite. He had made money, he had the Ivy League imprimatur, and his far-from-elite background and homeborn concern for the pathologies of hillbilly America were qualities that could give his more privileged peers a bit of compassionate rouge. (Read more.)


No, WE Don't Need To "Turn Down The Temperature" Joe

 From Jan at The Easton Gazette:

After disrespectfully refusing to call President Trump anything other than "Donald" and "Trump" because Joe just can't speak respect for his opponent and a former President, then Biden goes on to talk about all these examples of political violence in our country. Three examples he gave? J6. The attack on Nancy Pelosi's husband. The attempt to kidnap Gretchen Witmer.

Notice any events he left off? The shooting of Republican Senators and Congressmen at a baseball practice; a shooting that nearly killed Congressman Steven Scalise? I guess it didn't happen. The mob violence in Portland, Seattle, St. Louis, and Baltimore that saw buildings burning down and people injured and killed? Not violent but peaceful. The targeting of police in New York City? No big deal.

And did he even mention those killed by illegals? No. But, he never mentions those. There are so many other things he left off the list.

Apparently, Democrats are the only victims of political violence in our country.

Notice that Biden never mentions that times that Trump has been portrayed as Hitler, a tyrant, a domestic terror threat, an existential threat, and an enemy to our "democracy." Finally, the other night, he admits that he shouldn't have said, "put a bullseye on Trump." Wow. It only took him three days to get that one out. Wouldn't have gone over so well if Trump had been killed, would it.

Of course, we know that Joe doesn't write his own script. We know that his handlers tell him what to do. Still, they just keep presenting lies. They aren't the only ones. Yesterday, I saw example after example of progressives mourning because Trump wasn't killed. One of them was a Congressional aid in Benny Thompson's office. There were elected officials from a variety of states either posting something about the shooter needing better aim OR that this is "all Trump's fault." Worst of all? TEACHERS! (Read more.)


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Trump, Fatima & the Deep State




 From The National Pulse:

Former White House Chief Strategist and War Room host Stephen K. Bannon has issued a statement from jail on the assassination attempt against President Donald J. Trump, in comments made exclusively to The National Pulse.

Reacting in the immediate aftermath, Bannon, who forewarned of this, said: “I’ve warned about this very thing for over a year–an assassination attempt–the threat is real, very real. Thankfully, President Trump wears the Armor of God. Today, our leader showed total command presence, stood tall, and said ‘FIGHT’!” (Read more.)


From WLT Report:

As we’re now a day out from the assassination attempt on President Trump, we’re all starting to gather our thoughts, dig into the things that don’t make sense, and start to connect a lot of dots.

I’ve been doing it all day, and I definitely have strong opinions about what happened here.

I’ve been posting them all day (make sure you follow me on Twitter: but I just came across this excellent video from Sebastian Gorka who did exactly what I’m doing….he just gave his takeaways from the attempted assassination 24 hours later, and they are SPOT on.

He touched on almost everything I’ve been covering all day today.

And he did it in one concise video.

So I thought I would share it with you. (Read more.)


From The Georgia Record:

Like many of us, I’m still digesting the assassination attempt on President Trump. I’d have crawled over broken glass to vote for him before this weekend, in case you were wondering. But there’s one thing I know – this is a pivotal moment in history.

God inarguably saved Trump’s life on Saturday; his RNC speech this week isn’t just a speech anymore. It’s one of THOSE moments in history. “But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.” (Genesis 50:20)

This was never just about Trump or Biden. This is Biblical chess unfolding on a global scale and like Outkast said, “Revelation’s getting impatient.” Before Saturday, the discussions were about Biden’s cognitive decline, the price of gas and groceries, WW3 ramping up, and leftists trying to tie Trump to a think tank’s memo on policy recommendations.

But thanks to God’s providential protection, Trump lived. We witnessed a miracle. Not only that, Trump had the presence of mind to hit the ground immediately, and even though obviously in shock (my shoes!) he pumped a fist as his face dripped blood and told us to FIGHT. We know his fight or flight response! As a veteran, I can tell you that’s exactly what I want to see in my Commander in Chief. He’s 78 years old, just got shot, was tackled by half a dozen agents. His body must be bruised and sore. His eardrum probably exploded, part of his ear may be gone, and he likely has a headache that won’t quit. He’s probably dealing with a mix of shock, gratitude, guilt (3 people in that crowd took bullets meant for him, one dying as he used his body to protect his daughters) and hugging his family extra tight. He has millions of people praying him through.

He’s also the man God has obviously chosen for this moment in history. Teddy Roosevelt was shot with a bullet that went through a glasses case and speech and lodged in a rib (ironically in Milwaukee, where Trump is now). He took out the speech with a bullet hole in it and gave it. He also lost that election because he was primarying a guy he’d actually picked to succeed him and primaries were a new thing, wild story. But what would have happened next if JFK or Lincoln had survived their assassination attempts? If they’d given a huge speech just afterward? (Read more.)

It is shameful how the wicked cannot contain their disappointment that Trump was not killed. From Jan at The Easton Gazette:

I guess I shouldn't be surprised that some teachers feel entitled to share their hate filled social media posts regarding the assassination attempt on former President and current candidate Trump. After all, these young people have gone through a school system and college training programs which have taught them more about their "right" to socially influence their students than how to actually teach. And, goodness knows, they have been fully indoctrinated.

In my career, I taught new teachers in our county. Most of them were idealistic, energetic, wonderful young people who chose teaching as a calling rather than a profession. They wanted to do what was best so their students would learn. Occasionally, in most extreme cases, we would get a knucklehead who wanted to share their weekend party habits with kids or show them X-rated movies (yes, it happened). There were those who wanted to be buddies with their students instead of the adult in the room.

I remember reminding students about appropriate dress and inappropriate language. Most of them figured out the limits. Those that didn't were usually gone, sometimes by December of the first year they were hired.

Political bias was not normally something we worried about. Most teachers didn't feel compelled to do share political leanings. (Read more.)
