Many visitors of this blog come searching for images of Marie-Antoinette, Louis XVI and family. I have gathered together some of my favorite pictures from, including pictures I have recently discovered, such as the one of Marie-Antoinette (below), looking through a crack in the wall of her prison so she can catch a glimpse of her son Charles with his tormentors. If there is a particular picture you are looking for please use the search box.
Marie Antoinette in the P... |
Alfred W. Elmore |
18x24 Gicl... |
The Last Morning of Marie-Antoinette |
Louis Baader |
18x24 Giclee Print |
| This store brought to you by |  |
Marie Antoinette (1755-93... |
Elisabeth Louise Vigee-LeBrun |
9x12 Gicle... |
Archduchess Marie Antoine... |
Martin van Meytens |
9x12 Gicle... |
Marie-Antoinette |
Jacques-Louis David |
18x24 Gicl... |
Marie Antoinette, Norma Shearer, Tyro... |
9x12 Giclee Print |
Marie Antoinette (1755-93... |
Elisabeth Louise Vigee-LeBrun |
9x12 Gicle... |
Portrait of Marie-Antoine... |
Jean Baptiste Charpentier |
18x24 Gicl... |
Dining Room, Hameau of Marie-Antoinet... |
John Claude Nattes |
18x24 Giclee Print |
Portrait of Marie-Antoinette |
Elisabeth Louise Vigee-LeBrun |
9x12 Gicle... |
The Hameau of Marie-Antoinette (1755-... |
Richard Mique |
18x24 Giclee Print |
Marie-Antoinette (1755-93... |
Adolf Ulrich Wertmuller |
9x12 Gicle... |
Queen Marie Antoinette in... |
Charles Louis Lucien Muller |
9x12 Gicle... |
Watch Given by Marie Anto... |
18x24 Gicl... |
Marie-Antoinette (1755-93... |
Elisabeth Louise Vigee-LeBrun |
9x12 Gicle... |
The Execution of Marie-Antoinette (17... |
9x12 Giclee Print |
Marie-Antoinette (1755-93... |
Elisabeth Louise Vigee-LeBrun |
9x12 Gicle... |
Marie-Antoinette (1755-93... |
Alfred Wilson Cox |
9x12 Gicle... |
Equestrian Portrait of Marie Antoinet... |
Louis-Auguste Brun |
9x12 Giclee Print |
Marie Antoinette (1755-93... |
Jacques Fabien Gautier d'Agoty |
9x12 Gicle... |
Archduchess Marie Antoine... |
Franz Xaver Wagenschon |
9x12 Gicle... |
Archduke Maximilian Franz... |
Josef Hauzinger |
9x12 Gicle... |
A Fine and Important Mini... |
9x12 Gicle... |
Queen Marie Antoinette of... |
Francois Dumont |
9x12 Gicle... |
Bust Portrait of Marie-An... |
Jean Guerin |
18x24 Gicl... |
The Last Parting of Marie Antoinette ... |
Edward Matthew Ward |
9x12 Giclee Print |
Marie Antoinette |
9x12 Gicle... |
| This store brought to you by |  |
Louis XVI (1754-93) King ... |
Joseph Siffred Duplessis |
9x12 Gicle... |
The Arrest of Louis XVI and His Famil... |
Le Sueur Brothers |
18x24 Giclee Print |
Execution of Louis XVI (1754-93) 21st... |
9x12 Giclee Print |
Louis XVIII (1755-1824) a... |
Robert Lefevre |
18x24 Gicl... |
Louis XVI (1754-93) King of France, R... |
Gabriel Francois Doyen |
9x12 Giclee Print |
Louis XVI (1754-93) |
Antoine Francois Callet |
9x12 Gicle... |
Louis XVIII (1755-1824) in His Study ... |
Francois Gerard |
18x24 Giclee Print |
Louis XVI (1754-93) at the Foot of th... |
Charles Benazech |
18x24 Giclee Print |
Louis XVI (1754-93) Giving Instructio... |
Nicolas Andre Monsiau |
9x12 Giclee Print |
Louis XVI (1754-93) Bidding Farewell ... |
18x24 Giclee Print |
Farewell to Louis XVI by ... |
Jean-Jacques Hauer |
18x24 Gicl... |
Archduke Maximilian Franz... |
Josef Hauzinger |
9x12 Gicle... |
Portrait of Louis XVI fro... |
Benard |
18x24 Gicl... |
Louis XVI and Marie-Antoi... |
Hubert Robert |
9x12 Gicle... |
Louis XVI at His Trial, C... |
18x24 Gicl... |
We Have Our Pere De Gand, Celebration... |
18x24 Giclee Print |
Louis XVI in Prison at th... |
Jean Francois Garneray |
18x24 Gicl... |
Louis XVI and His Family Taken to the... |
18x24 Giclee Print |
The Chapel of Rest of Louis XVIII at ... |
Jean-Baptiste Isabey |
18x24 Giclee Print |
Execution of Louis XVI 21st January 1793 |
18x24 Giclee Print |
Portrait Presumed to be L... |
18x24 Gicl... |
The Trial of Louis XVI Before the Con... |
18x24 Giclee Print |
Portrait of Louis XVI Kin... |
Joseph Ducreux |
9x12 Gicle... |
Louis XVI |
Robert Lefevre |
9x12 Gicle... |
Entry into Paris of Louis XVIII 4th M... |
18x24 Giclee Print |