Saturday, October 12, 2024

This Explains It All

 From Tierney's Real News:

The problems we face now as a country are directly tied to the actions of Bush and Obama - who are puppets of the NWO. First, the Bush administration monitored the communication of American citizens; and, secondly, Obama’s team fine-tuned and used that system against their political opponents and American citizens - and finally Trump and MAGA. Both Bush & Obama were NWO APPROVED candidates. Trump is NOT.

The DHS, ODNI, DOJ and FBI became the four pillars of this new institution - which is the Fourth Branch of Government - THE INTELLIGENCE BRANCH. Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower (military) to John F. Kennedy (CIA) to Richard Nixon (FBI) all warned against this happening.

[The coup against Trump is actually a repeat of the coup against Nixon - by many of the same players.]

The 4th Branch controls our Government and influences every facet of our life.  We The People are under surveillance. We The People are the target. This is what Trump means when he says “They aren’t after me - they are after you. I’m only standing in the way.”

The ODNI was created and originally intended for the CIA, NSA, DoD, DoS, and DIA to deposit their unique intelligence in ONE PLACE - so that agencies like the DOJ and FBI could access threats when needed to analyze threats to the U.S. This, they hoped, would ensure the obvious flags missed in the 9/11 attacks would not be missed again. However, it is now used by the Intelligence Branch to target Trump and American citizens and hide information from one agency to another. (Read more.)


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