Saturday, August 26, 2023

Barack Obama: President for Life?

 From Dr. Zmirak at The Stream:

Okay, okay, I can hear you saying. Maybe Obama is running the show at the moment, while the Former Joe Biden mutters into his ice cream cone in between his ever-lengthening naps. But while Trump was in office?

Well, Trump didn’t have control of the Department of Justice, with Jeff Sessions recused and career bureaucrats running most of the show. (Bill Barr came along later, and made matters even worse.) Nor could he control the FBI. In fact, as we’ve documented here, Obama had used the Patriot Act to politicize and make permanently partisan the entire intelligence wing of the U.S. government. He elevated it to the level of a fourth branch of government, able to defy Congress, the courts, and even a sitting president.

Obama’s men, whom he left in place, spent four years undermining and defying the people’s choice for president. Then they helped steal the next election—by certifying that Hunter Biden’s laptop was “Russian disinformation” and getting social media to censor the facts of the matter. Now they are still in place, and running things while Joe Biden sleeps. (Read more.)


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