Thursday, August 10, 2023

How the Left Learned to Love Banks

 From Spiked Online:

As the reaction on social media has suggested, and as polls have confirmed, those of a leftish disposition are far more supportive of Coutts’s decision to strip Farage of his bank account. In fact, some on the liberal left see no issue whatsoever with banks discriminating against customers for their political views. Journalists, comedians and even Labour politicians have downplayed, mocked or sought to justify this act of corporate censorship. Those of a right-wing and small-c conservative persuasion, on the other hand, have tended to be far more critical of the Coutts’s behaviour.

What a curious state of affairs. Today, it is self-styled ‘progressives’ who seem to be the most steadfast supporters of bankers, while those on the political and cultural right tend to be their greatest detractors. But this is no aberration. The Farage affair reflects a significant political transformation – namely, how the woke left has come to love global capitalism, and how conservatives have come to hate it. (Read more.)


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