Saturday, August 19, 2023

DNA Analysis Reveals Minoan and Mycenaean Genetic Origins

 From The Greek Reporter:

Dr Iosif Lazaridis from Harvard Medical School in Massachusetts and colleagues focused on burials from the Minoan civilization, which flourished on the island of Crete from 2,600 to 1,100 BC, and the Mycenaean culture, which existed across Greece from 1,600 to 1,100 BC. Dr Lazaridis explained that most of the people who created these civilizations appear to be local, deriving between 62 percent and 86 percent of their ancestry from people who introduced agriculture to Europe from Anatolia (modern Turkey) in Neolithic times beginning about seven thousand years ago.

But the Bronze Age Mycenaean and Minoan skeletons revealed ancestry from populations originating in either the Caucasus mountains or Iran. Between 9 percent and 17 percent of their genetic make-up came from this source. In addition, the team’s paper in the journal, Nature, reports, the Mycenaeans—but not the Minoans—show evidence of genetic input from people who lived further north on the flat grasslands that stretch from eastern Europe to Central Asia. Between four percent and sixteen percent of their ancestry came from this northern source.

While the Mycenaeans are known to have spoken an early form of Greek, the earliest recorded language spoken by the Minoan people on Crete, known as Linear A, can be read but not translated, implying that it belongs to a distinct but unknown group of languages. (Read more.)


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