Friday, April 13, 2007

Saying "Thank you" is beneficial... more ways than one. Businesses are beginning to realize that small courtesies make for happier and more productive employees. Unfortunately, some people misperceive kindness and politeness as either condescension or obsequiousness, but that is because they do not know any better. One should be kind because it is the right thing to do, not necessarily because of the consequences. Share


Anonymous said...

One more reason to love the Irish. I was struck by their West's consistent "Thank you" (along with a look in the eye and a smile) upon being handed money in payment for a service or carvery or brewed delights. And here, there is a long-transplanted native Belfaster who just before crushing my hand in a Sign of Peace says most sincerely, "Thank you." It's like living in a foreign world. A nice one. Commerce is as commerce does from morning 'til night, but its stray "thank you" now and again manages to better acknowledge a person as a person worth acknowledging. The smallest niceties are greatly heartening.


elena maria vidal said...

Yes, Carol, I completely agree.

Terry Nelson said...

Nicely put. See, this is why I love your blog.
Thank you.

elena maria vidal said...

You're welcome, Terry. I love your blog, too.