Saturday, August 24, 2024

Vermont Allows Illegal Aliens to Vote

 From The Right Flank:

Vermont is giving illegal immigrants the right to vote.  Even a single vote from an illegal immigrant constitutes foreign interference in domestic elections.  To be more specific, the Vermont cities of Burlington, Montpelier and Winooski allow illegal aliens to vote.   

Burlington is the largest city in the state.  Concerned citizens are worried that allowing illegal aliens to vote on school board elections and also on city education budgets will warp outcomes.  Though some illegal aliens have kids enrolled in the city school systems, others do not.

This is a matter of right versus wrong.  Foreigners who have not gone through the proper legal channels to obtain United States citizenship should not have the power to decide local elections or federal elections.  The nation and many cities are evenly split down the middle, 50/50 between Republicans and Democrats. 

A single vote has the potential to cause the power pendulum to swing firmly to the political right or left. (Read more.)


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