Sunday, August 18, 2024

PARENTS BEWARE: The Use of AI in The Classroom

 From The Easton Gazette:

As technology advances, there's a great danger that parents need to be aware of, and that is the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the classroom. For those who do not fully understand AI and how it works, it's databases of stored information paired with algorithms to return a desired predetermined or predicted result, reaction, code, or method. The problem is, AI is not perfect, and programmed results will often contain left-leaning bias on certain topics. In all things, there's an absolute truth. Today, databases of opinions are being peddled as fact when it comes to political influence of what's considered ideal in society. Who gets to decide what's ideal to be delivered through AI? The political elite, and your child is being programmed through the schools. (Read more.)


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