Tuesday, August 20, 2024

In Socialist Seattle Crime DOES Pay, And It Pays Well

 From Right Flank:

The head of the King County Public Defenders came up with the harebrained cash payments scheme in an attempt to reduce the number of felony prosecutions.  Violent crime has increased in unison with inflation, the cost of living and unemployment.

Instead of paying criminals to prevent crime, the left should reconsider its border policy.  The southern border should be completely closed until the nation has enough housing to accommodate its current taxpayers at reasonable prices.  The problem with paying criminals to avoid arrest is that you eventually run out of taxpayer dollars to keep the peace. 

Media outlets obtained a letter to the King County prosecuting attorney that highlighted how to significantly decrease misdemeanor and felony caseloads assigned to public using a numerical cap. 

If such a cap were put on public defender caseloads, it would inevitably lead to those being suspected of crimes walking free instead of being charged.  Moreover, the local budget funds allocated to hiring additional public defenders would also be strained, creating an indefinite shortage of legal representatives. (Read more.)


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