Sunday, August 4, 2024

Trump vs Black Journalists, with Charlie Kirk, Deace, and Squires


What is Kamala like to work for? From American Wire News:

In the November 2019 op-ed titled “Another side to Kamala Harris,” McAteer tried to warn America about the darker side of Harris.

“Gregory had an eye-opening experience in Kamala Harris’ office that none of us expected. For his sake, the month could not pass quickly enough. Needless to say, he was delighted to work in Feinstein’s office for the rest of the summer,” he wrote, referring to the now-deceased Senator Dianne Feinstein. "Senator Harris vocally throws around ‘F-bombs’ and other profanity constantly in her berating of staff and others. The staff is in complete fear of her and she uses her profanity throughout the day,” McAteer alleged. He also wrote that as attorney general, Harris’s entire staff was instructed to stand each morning when she arrived at the office and say, “Good Morning General.”

McAteer added that his son was given “instructions to never address Harris nor look her in the eye as that privilege was only allowed to senior staff members.”

“I don’t know about you but this is not the workplace of someone who respects her staff. For a woman of color to have employees stand when she enters the room smacks of a bygone era that we, as Americans, deplore and find demeaning,” McAteer said in his op-ed.

Harris would later become a rising national star for Democrats who, after a cup of coffee in the Senate, ran for president but soon dropped out after it became apparent early on that nobody liked her. Despite having all but openly accused Joe Biden of being a racist during a 2019 debate, she was later tabbed as his running mate after the Democrat nominee was pressured by South Carolina kingfish Rep. James Clyburn to pick a black woman for the bottom half of his ticket. (Read more.)


Kamala Harris and Planned Parenthood. From A Sign of Hope:

Intact D & E is the most brutal form of partial-birth abortion – which is also banned by federal law after six months of gestation. It actually goes beyond partial birth abortion. In an intact D & E, the abortionist does not kill the baby while it is partially born, but uses the forceps to carefully remove the baby fully intact. This guarantees the freshness of the organs. De-Lin notes that the baby is not given feticidal chemicals to kill it before it is born in their clinics. (That, too, could diminish the value of the organs vivisected from it.) What you have is a living baby fully born. It can only die in one of three ways: 1) It dies from exposure and neglect; 2) Its spinal cord is cut; or 3) It dies when it is taken to procurement, where a technician begins cutting up the living baby.

There was a situation in depositions from the cases involved in the successful effort by then California Attorney General Kamala Harris and San Francisco Federal Judge William Orrick’s to cover up these videos through another permutation of lawfare. The technician being deposed explained that, yes, sometimes babies are born alive. When asked how they then die, she euphemistically said they are taken to procurement. Pressed for specifics on how they died, she started trembling and said they die when the technician cuts the heart out of their chest. That’s the reality here. 

I had to go talk with a Priest after this, for I was having trouble sleeping. The savagery of killing living, born babies and treating it as all in a day’s work got to me badly, even though I have long managed to compartmentalize the horrors of abortion. (You have to if you are going to be able to press on with this work.) I weep not only for the babies, but for the badly mutilated humanity of people who do this as a matter of course for their livelihoods.

This video is no different in quality to the videos that were not banned. What is different is the level of intensity and the revelation that PP is routinely violating federal law with impunity and raw savagery. An honorable society would recoil in horror – and then go to work putting Planned Parenthood and its affiliates out of business before sending many of them to prison for atrocities. But we live in an evil age. That is why this video – and others like it – had to be ruthlessly suppressed.

A couple of weeks after meeting privately with California PP officials, Kamala Harris sprang into action. On April 5, 2016, she ordered an armed raid of Daleiden’s home to seize all video and computers that might contain videos. As I recall, there were 11 armed agents, but my memory might be exaggerating. I know it was at least seven. Of course, Daleiden is no fool. He had copies offsite from his home. Those Democrats sure do love ordering armed raids on their ideological opponents, though! What Harris refused to do is ever investigate PP, despite the criminality the videos revealed. Why would she? She was planning to run for the Senate and wanted their help. Her successor in the Attorney General’s office held his victory party at PP headquarters when he won the office in his own right. That would be Xavier Becerra – now the Secretary of Health and Human Services in the Biden-Harris administration. (Read more.)


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