Monday, August 26, 2024

The Multiculturalists

 From Laura Crockett at The History Desk:

I like the Swiss because they were able to blend their citizens even though they speak four different languages; French, German, Italian, and the ancient tongue, Romansh. This is a testament that there can be different languages spoken, and still be Swiss because the other aspects of Western culture are accepted. The Swiss are for the Swiss. They have their standards, and the hell with anyone who doesn’t buy into their program. You cannot come and live among them unless you too want to be Swiss. And that includes being willing to keep your weapon ready to go in case of an invasion. Their politics are also different, so living in Switzerland is about the individual conforming to their system. One doesn’t hear of fake intellectuals talking about improving the Swiss system.

True, not all who live in that tiny country are there as citizens. Some are permanent guests, with money and prestige. They still had to pass muster to live there. Hungary is the other country that controls its borders. One can find a few celebrities living in that nation because it is safer. If only the other nations in the West would do the same, the world would be a better place. And perhaps the citizens of those other nations that produce many refugees, their citizens could learn to shoot their psychotic leaders instead of bowing to them. (Read more.)


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