Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Secretary Cardona's Post Seems To Support Parental Rights But...

 From Jan at The Easton Gazette:


This bi-weekly feature will include stories from social media that show some of the extreme issues affecting kids in schools and the rights of their parents to guide the medical, educational and emotional progress and well-being of their children.

Some of these stories may include videos that are not appropriate for minors and may be offensive to some. We use links from various sources including "X" and online news publishers. These stories are shared to inform, warn and yes, alarm. (Read more.)

From Red State:

 Cardona was most definitely not advocating for school choice, but the words were so perfect that they could have been said directly from DeAngelis or any other school choice advocate's own mouth. 

The liberalization of schools has become rampant. One of the biggest concerns is gender ideology and what is being taught to our children about sex. Parents are not asked what topics they want to be covered or how they want them covered, and they have virtually no rights to contest with the school. Some states also have stricter homeschooling laws, which make it even harder for the parents, if not impossible, to have control over what ideology is being taught to their children. Is this what Cardona was referring to? Because this is how millions of Americans feel under the education system he leads. 

He also tweeted on Friday a claim that the Biden-Harris team is helping kids everywhere to thrive, in comparison to others who just sow strife. In reality, the Left's blatant agenda in the schools is exactly the reason we are seeing more division now than ever. (Read more.)


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