Friday, August 23, 2024

Texas Rancher Sues Biden-Harris Government Over Influx of Illegal Immigrants

 From The National Pulse:

A Texas rancher, Michael Vickers, and Kinney County Sheriff Brad Coe have filed a lawsuit against Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The lawsuit, filed by the Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI), claims that current border policies have resulted in record numbers of illegal immigrants entering the United States, causing significant harm to Vickers’s ranch and other areas in Texas.

Michael Vickers, who owns a 1,000-acre ranch in Brooks County, says that the Biden-Harris government’s immigration policies have led to extensive damage to his property. According to the lawsuit, Vickers has incurred over $50,000 in fence and gate repairs due to the influx of migrants crossing his land. The complaint also mentions the environmental damage caused by trash and litter left by illegal immigrants, which has negatively impacted the food and water sources for Vickers’s livestock. (Read more.)


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