Friday, August 16, 2024

Stonehenge's Altar Stone

 From Live Science:

Researchers now know the exact region in Scotland where Stonehenge's Altar Stone originated, thanks to a chemical analysis of the behemoth rock's geological makeup. The finding, which is part of a new study published Wednesday (Aug. 14) in the journal Nature, offers further evidence that the builders of the immense monument would have used advanced methods to transport the approximately 13,200-pound (6,000 kilograms) stone from its original location to its current site in southern England, where it now sits in the inner circle of Stonehenge, according to a statement from Aberystwyth University in Wales. For years, it was thought that the Altar Stone originated in Wales. However, a 2023 analysis of the large stone determined that it may have come from as far north as Scotland, since it contained large amounts of barium, similar to other stones in that area. This discovery helped researchers narrow down the stone's true origin. (Read more.)


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