Saturday, October 12, 2019

Of Cups and Saucers

"La Tasse de Chocolat" featuring, left to right:
Louis-Jean Marie de Bourbon, duc de Penthièvre;
Louis-Alexandre de Bourbon, prince de Lamballe;
Marie-Thérèse Louise de Savoie, princesse de Lamballe, with her dog;
Marie-Victoire de Noailles, comtesse de Toulouse
A Sèvres cup and saucer
Much thanks to my friend Hyacinth, who sent me a series of historic pictures of people in polite society drinking coffee and chocolate out of their saucers. Since the coffee was boiled à la Turque, in the Turkish fashion, it was so hot it was poured from the cup into the saucer to help it cool. I assume  the same was done with the hot chocolate. Above is a painting of Madame de Lamballe, a close friend of Marie-Antoinette's, surrounded by the family of the Duc de Penthièvre, her family by marriage.


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