The police told Pat that the same gang who beat him have been terrorizing the town. They usually only go after lone white males, although they may also be responsible for the recent gang rape of a young Hispanic girl, in broad daylight. However, because the gang is of African descent, the local police are not allowed to try to break them up when they congregate on the street, because it is considered racial profiling. In my opinion, I do not care what their ethnic background is; if they are terrorizing the community they need to be stopped. Yes, they could just as easily have been a gang of white teenagers, but in that case it would have been easier for the police to disperse them before they did harm to innocent people. Political correctness is making us all prisoners in our own country, afraid to leave the house, and not even safe in our houses, for that matter. How long will such insanity go on? Share
Saint Josephine Bakhita
1 week ago
Very sorry to hear this dear Elena.:-(. May Our Lady extend a healing hand over your poor brother.
Thanks, Paula, we are all still trying to process it.
Your brother is in my prayers as well.
This is a good post, it is amazing how are freedoms are being limited because of the big PC thing.
am so sorry to hear about your brother and will pray for him. Thank God he is OK.
People need to understand that racism has TWO faces. Yes there are white people who hate Afro/Americans but there are also Afro/American who hate white people.
Also why doesnt your government DO something about violent rap gangsta songs?
You DO have freedom of speech but what should NOT be tolerated is freedom to INSULT.
I LOATHE the P/C dunderheads.
You and your family are in my prayers:).
With love,
Marie xoxoxox
Thank you, Terry. Thank you, Marie. I don't understand why the government goes after people for "hate speech" but the "hate speech" does not include the songs you mentioned which certainly incite violence.
The government goes after people for 'hate speech'? I can't recall any cases in the US where that's been the case, (though I can think of instances in other countries including Australia and Finland.)
Lucille, I take it for granted that you are not an American citizen. Most Americans are aware that a measure was passed in the House of representatives a few weeks ago by a vote of 237 to 180 criminalizing "hate speech." I hope that includes violent rap songs, but I doubt it.
That legislation is still awaiting the signature of the President and hopefully he will veto it.
Yes, wordsmith, I hope so, but in the meantime it shows us the mind of many of our elected officials.
Sorry to hear about this... I will pray for all involved also also that justice is done...
I hope your brother recovers soon...
I think the 'hate speech' law in front of the President is a dangerous thing. In that going by what one reads in the press, a Priest or any other religious person may NOT say that homosexuality is a sin etc it will be interpreted as 'hate speech'.
Has not the Canadians passed such a bill?
Also with Australia we do BAN certain people from entering our country but they have to have a criminal past or like David Irving just plain BONKERS!
Keeping you and your family in my prayers, Elena:).
Blessings to you
Yes, Marie, they have. Thank you all for your prayers for my brother. And please pray for some of my relatives, too, who are a little confused about such matters.
I am so sorry to hear about your brother's unfortunate experience! I agree that the whole PC thing has grown entirely out of hand! And speaking of profiling, on this recent long trip from India, I was profiled at teh airport, which meant I had my boarding pass pulled, almost missed the flight and suffered constant inconveniences because of it! But were the many long-bearded arab men and hijab-covered arab women who were on our flight from the middle east stopped or checked or searched at all? Of course not! That would be racial! So instead, they chose myself and my daughter, a little 40 something white mom travelling with her daughter--as if to prove to teh world, that see? we don't do racial profiling.
It's all a huge joke.
That is terrible, Georgette! Yes, it is all a huge joke for which we pay a high price!
I will say prayers for your brother.
There are two countries which have a freedom of speech clause in their constitution, the US and GB.
As for racial profiling, my prison is full of racially profiled inmates, all were guilty. White, black, and yellow. It is part of the description. Maryland is just stupid. (Isn't that where they found the beltway shooter?)
Everytime Genevieve goes on an airline she is taken aside and searched. Big brown eyes, olive complexion, brown hair and looks like anyone from the Mediteranian.
When she did her comparative religion course she went to the mosque with an hajib on. So much for racial profiles...
The hate speech bill will be real dopey, I guess Mother Angelica could be accused of hate speech if it passes. It just takes a person not to agree and claim someone was attacked...
Hmmm. If it had been a gang of white teenagers the police would have been all over them whenever they gathered. So..."reverse racial profiling" is ok?? I've noticed that it's becoming a crime in America to be a white male.
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