Joan of Arc (1948) starring Ingrid Bergman is in my opinion the best and most historically accurate of all the films about the Maid of Lorraine. Ingrid Bergman was not a believer but as an accomplished actress she was able to project the radiant faith of Joan. In fact, Ingrid had great devotion to the saint and herself helped to finance the film. Directed by Victor Fleming and based upon the play by Maxwell Anderson, the movie captures the season of miracles which was Joan's life. Unfortunately, many key scenes were edited from the version usually shown on television. The complete, unedited version has been restored and was released on DVD in 2004. I am dying to see it. Here is an article with several stills from the film, including those from scenes which did not make the final cut.

Novena prayer to St. Joan Share
Ingrid Bergman's performance was so realistic it haunted her for many years. When she exposed human fraililties in her personal life public opinion never forgave her.
I also highly recommend The Passion Of Joan Of Arc 1928.
Yes, Josue, that film is truly an artistic masterpiece.
I got the URL of the film wrong:
Thanks, Josue, I have it on video but have only watched it once. It is such a powerful film and so well done. It is very realistic in spite of being B&W. But it is so heart rending that it is difficult for me to watch. I do highly recommend it, though.
Great movie. The ending scene is online here Joan of Arc.s execution
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