Monday, June 17, 2024

Weaponized Biotechnology

 From The American Classroom:

The following text comes directly from The Alliance League Matching Service, here- (

Included below is a list of the proof (with links), that our government and multiple associated industries and countries around the world have been weaponizing biology and technology, against the human race for decades.

This is undeniable.

This list also has the endorsement of Sabrina Wallace, as she recently covered the website and list/references below within a recent episode on her channel, which can be watched HERE.

My recommendation is that you copy and paste the text below for your own records. If anyone you know has any questions about this subject and what our government has been doing to us and everyone throughout the world for decades, this list should suffice as the answer.

Some of the links have been deleted by now, and some others may not load at all. I did, however, include screen-shots of the headlines of the articles that are still available, just to prove that they did at one time exist, or still do exist. I also made this list more digestible from a visual standpoint only, than the original list on the website. I have deleted nothing. All of the website’s original content is below. (Read more.)


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