Sunday, June 2, 2024

7 Real Characters from Arthurian Legends

 From The Collector:

Sir Uriens is one of the most popular characters in the Arthurian legends. In the most traditional version of the story, he leads a group of rebel kings who fight against a young Arthur when he first becomes king. After his defeat, he becomes a valuable ally to Arthur as one of the most powerful Knights of the Round Table. His name is also often spelled “Urien,” without the “s” at the end.

In line with his role in the legends as one of the most powerful of Arthur’s knights, Sir Uriens was a historically powerful king. In reality, he was King Urien of Rheged. He seems to have ruled over a portion of northern England and southern Scotland, although his exact territory is uncertain. He probably ruled more on the western side of Britain than the eastern side. He is accepted as historical because he is mentioned in a number of Welsh poems which most scholars agree go back to about the year 600. (Read more.)


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