Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The History of Maryland’s Lost City

 In Montgomery County. So much of that county is lost. From The Mocoshow:

The now-lost city of Triadelphia (“three brothers”) was founded in 1809 by brothers-in-law Thomas Moore, Isaac Briggs, and Caleb Bentley. The brothers were married to the Brooke sisters, who were descendents of Robert Brooke– the founder of Brookeville in Montgomery County. 

“Born of the Patuxent River and then destroyed by it, the mill town Triadelphia knew years of glory as a leading Maryland industrial center.” – Sandy Spring Museum. Today the Patuxent River marks the NE border of MoCo, but between 1809 and the civil war it powered the mills that made Triadelphia a thriving industrial community. At the time, it was even larger nearby Rockville. (Read more.)


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