Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Coronation of Louis XVI

 Vive la Reine quotes a contemporary account:
His Majesty entered the metropolitan church, where he was greeted by the Archbishop-Duke of Reims—who was at the head of his Chapter—and listened to the Te Deum. After the Benediction, the King withdrew to the archbishop’s palace where all the Nobles complimented Him. The next day, the King listened to the first Vespers in the Cathedral, and on Sunday, June 11th, around seven o’clock, His Majesty—with the greatest pomp—went back to the same Church and was crowned in the usual ways. (Read entire post.)

A post on the music for the coronation mass and the religious devotions that followed, HERE.


From Vive la Reine: "Detail from The Coronation of Louis XVI by Jean-Michel Moreau, 1775." Share


lara77 said...

If you could create a time machine and go back to any coronation in history THIS is the coronation I would have loved to witness. The sheer majesty of Reims Cathedral; the pomp and circumstance and solemnity of the coronation of a King of France. I think how beautiful it must have been before the revolutionaries destroyed so much of the beauty of Royal and Catholic France.

julygirl said...

Then ended up with Napoleon.....

Kaitlyn said...

I completely agree! Oh to be a fly on the wall during this time. 18th century history has always fascinated and I think it would be very interesting to have lived back then and witnessed everything as it unfolded. And to have known Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI...how incredible that would have been!