Friday, June 7, 2024

Uncertifiable Electronic Voting Machines

 From Immutable Truth:

What do these events all have in common?

  • They are all part of a vast “Actual and Factual Conspiracy” to disenfranchise voters via rigged voting machines connected to the internet by the very people entrusted to administer our elections.

  • They all occurred in Florida counties that we have uncovered massive fraud tied to our elections.

  • They are all linked together through the altering of “Official Election Records” to conceal the fact that hundreds of thousands of Florida voters had their right to cast their ballots in elections interfered with.

  • They are all linked together in that hundreds of thousands of Floridians who followed the law, and did everything legally required to vote, had their right to vote illegally stripped from them by the electronic voting machines.

In Pinellas County during the 2020 November General Election the Pinellas County Supervisor of Elections claimed that Donald Trump lost to Joe Biden by 1241 votes. (Read more.)


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