Friday, June 14, 2024

Neanderthal DNA

 Interesting and not unbiblical. From Live Science:

To solve this mystery, researchers analyzed more than 300 modern human genomes spanning the past 45,000 years. These included samples from 59 individuals who lived between 2,200 and 45,000 years ago and 275 diverse present-day modern humans. The scientists posted their findings on the BioRxiv preprint database. (As the study is currently under review for potential publication in a scientific journal, the study's authors declined to comment.)

The scientists focused on how much Neanderthal DNA they could see in these modern human samples. By comparing how the level of Neanderthal ancestry varied in modern human DNA across different locations and times, they could estimate when Neanderthals and modern humans interbred, and for how long.

The best explanation for most Neanderthal DNA seen in the modern human genome was a single major period of interbreeding about 47,000 years ago that lasted about 6,800 years, the researchers found. (Read more.)

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