Monday, June 10, 2024

Orson Welles' ‘The Magnificent Ambersons': Update on the Search for Lost Footage ...

 From World of Reel:

Welles' original notes for how he wished the film to be cut have survived. The extra footage that was left on the cutting room floor has, supposedly, been destroyed. However, some don’t believe that it was, and the more I read about it, the more I’m convinced that it might still be out there, somewhere.

The story goes that Welles received a print of ‘Ambersons’ for him to edit in Brazil while shooting the ill-fated “It’s All True”.  According to RKO memos, two groupings of ‘Ambersons’ footage (14 reels and another 10), were shipped to Brazil so Welles could finish editing on the film.  

Here’s where it gets interesting. In the ‘90s, Grossberg met Michel do Esprito Santo, an archivist and film collector, who claimed to have seen a Welles cut of ‘Ambersons’ at Cinedia. The Brazillian archivist searched for it later, but it was gone — possibly trashed or sold to a private collector.

Thus began filmmaker Joshua Grossberg’s obsessive search for the lost cut. He went through archives, interviewed collectors and was led to various different areas. There have been hints and clues that Welles’ original cut does, in fact, exist. Many years ago, Grossberg and his team searched through the vast landscapes of Brazil, for almost two months, to find a copy of the lost cut of Welles’ film. Nothing materialized. (Read more.)


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