Sunday, June 16, 2024

The World Rallies To President Trump’s Defense

 From Amac:

Biden and his Democratic allies were in for a crude awakening in the aftermath of last week’s sham guilty verdict against President Trump, the byproduct of a kangaroo trial that denied the leading man to be America’s next president due process rights and his freedom of expression.  

While Biden was expecting the American people to at long last turn on President Trump, in fact the opposite occurred: they rallied to his side, at a rate previously unseen in modern presidential history.  President Trump’s fundraising haul since last week’s conviction has been historic: he has hauled in hundreds of millions of dollars of cash.  In May, President Trump’s campaign posted its highest figure ever – $141 million – far outpacing Joe Biden, who has been struggling mightily to prevent the bloodletting of voters across every demographic group to President Trump’s corner. 

Indeed, on the same day the 45th President held his press conference at Trump Tower to denounce the Biden-Bragg show verdict as but the latest attempt in the Left’s never-ending saga to derail MAGA and rig another presidential election, new polling came out showing the 45th President with a 6-point nationwide advantage over Biden, and leading in all six key battleground states this cycle: Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Nevada. 

While Biden’s problems are bad on the domestic front, they get arguably worse overseas.  The international order has descended into chaos under Biden’s stewardship.  Western countries have been ravaged by strife and warfare in Eastern Europe and the Middle East to levels not seen since World War II.  Meanwhile, autocratic regimes like China, Iran, and Russia have been empowered, relative to the United States and Europe, which have been brought to near financial and cultural ruin by the suicidal policies of the Biden government. (Read more.)


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