My patron saint. She discovered the True Cross. Don Marco says:
Saint Helena was not merely collecting relics for posterity. Her discovery of the True Cross saved the Orthodox Catholic faith from being submerged in a sea of speculative philosophies that denied the true Flesh and Blood of Christ. Saint Helena’s discovery points to the God who became man and suffered death on a real cross in a particular place at a precise moment in history. Mary Magdalene, the Apostle to the Apostles was the herald of Christ’s resurrection; Saint Helena became the herald of the mystery of the Cross. Share
Bonne fête, alors, chère Hélène! Of course, the Holy Empress is your patronness, and a grand patronness she is!
Thank you very much, Don Marco. Yes, she is grand indeed. The Holy Empress has often helped me.
Oh wow, i didnt know she was your patroness, that's wonderful! When i was confirmed i chose St Therese the Little Flower as my patron saint, but as an adult i discovered St Helena is an ancestor of mine, and of my finace too. It was then that i learned about her, and was floored. What moves me so much about her is that she followed her dreams she was given, rather than taking dreams lightly as many do (she dreamed of where to find the cross) and that she followed her tears...it was her true despair at the cross so buried and ignored i think that opened her to finding it thus. She is a truly truly feminine saint. Anyway, she is just so dear! Blessed feastday of St Helena : )
Reyna Maria Elena, as we call her.
Here in the Philippines, it has been a yearly custom for everyone to hold a feast that is called Flores de Mayo in honor of Virgin Mary. There, ladies dress up as different characters that made up a procession, and the grandest of them all is the Reyna Elena and her escort, Prinsipe Constantino. It's a very lovely tradition that still exists here in the Philippines, but many, I believe doesn't know the true meaning of the Santacruzan Procession. Thanks for some info ms vidal. God Bless you!
Thank you, Mark, that is very interesting!
Yes, Wendy, she is a very feminine saint, and the patron of the divorced (she was divorced against her will.)
Oh how I wish I had hooked up to your post about St. Helen(a). You did such a wonderful job of teaching us about her. I'm so glad Wendy found this also. Just very touching. Thanks.
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