Monday, July 1, 2019

12 Lesser-known Facts about the Wars of the Roses

From History Extra:
In 1460 Richard, Duke of York would trace his lineage from Edward III’s second surviving son, Lionel, Duke of Clarence, whose only daughter had married Edmund Mortimer. The House of Lancaster was descended from John of Gaunt, Edward III’s third son. The Mortimer Earls of March had been considered the lawful heirs of the childless Richard II before he was deposed, and the Lancastrian kings eyed them with suspicion. Was Jack Cade a son of this deposed line seeking restitution? 
Many would later claim that Richard, Duke of York had arranged for Cade to use the name ‘Mortimer’ to measure the response to it. Stow’s Chronicle, a Tudor source, claimed that the object of the uprising was to place York upon the throne, and Baker’s later A Chronicle of the Kings of England called Cade “an instrument of the Duke of York”. Cade – who was captured and fatally wounded following the failure of his rebellion – is a fascinating, elusive figure. Was he a genuine claimant to the throne, a social campaigner, or a puppet? (Read more.)

What happened to the Duchy of Lancaster?  From CheatSheet:
In the royal family, a dukedom is one of the highest ranking titles and usually belongs to the sons and grandsons of a monarch. The status is bestowed upon them at the time of marriage or majority. However, royal women cannot hold dukedoms — they can only carry on their husband’s title as duchesses. But, as with many things, the queen is exempt.

As the sovereign and head of the Duchy of Lancaster, a portfolio of land responsible for much of Queen Elizabeth’s income, Her Majesty is unofficially known as the Duke of Lancaster. According to the Duchy of Lancaster’s website, the title has been held by the reigning monarch since 1399 and “the title Duke of Lancaster continues to be used, even for a female monarch.” (Read more.) 

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