Monday, May 27, 2019

Our Lady of America

From Aleteia:
It was in 1940 when Sister Mary began receiving interior messages and revelations with specific detail and clarity. These messages were coming directly from Jesus and she was being told that her mission was going to be one that would help provide for the sanctification of the family. She began maintaining a diary and documenting all of these things. One of the quotes taken from her diary was as follows:
Pray, pray, pray, oh My Little White Dove. Pray and sacrifice yourself for the souls of poor sinners. How many are lost because there are no prayers said for them, no sacrifices made for them.
Jesus even gave Sister Mary a message for Father Leibold. He told her to tell him, “not to become discouraged at the crosses awaiting him, for I the great High-Priest, go before him carrying the heaviest part of his cross. I seek only the humble and lowly of heart.”
It was after this message that she turned to Father Leibold for guidance. The priest had only been ordained a short time before. He would be her confessor and her advisor until he died in 1972.
Before 1956, Sister Mary spent time in many different locations. She worked in Rome City, Indiana; Denver, Colorado; North Dakota; back to Cincinnati, and on to Ottawa, Ohio. Here she was visited by St. Michael the Angel of Peace to prepare her for what was ahead. She was told that Satan would do everything to keep her from doing what Jesus wanted. (Read more.)

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