Thursday, March 1, 2007

Hitler was against homeschooling...

And there are still many Hitlers at large. Here is an article about the case of the homeschooling family in Germany whose child was seized because they would not conform to the anti-Christian socialist educational policies. (Via the NOR.) Share


Anonymous said...

It's quite easy for to bang out such an article, throw in the inevitable reference to Hitler, and presumably get a lot of hits. But I'm not sure such a situation does justice to the situation in Germany.

Parts of Germany have stunning long-term unemployment rates, which has in turn led to a party with a platform not at all dissimilar to that of David Duke getting 7% of the vote in some areas, street battles between Germans and non-Germans and more. This in one of the areas that voted most strongly for the Nazis in the day, and, to be blunt, before that had centuries of a tradition begun by a religious reformer who advocated some virulently racist thinking.

During the recent world soccer championships, which were meant to showcase Germany's successes, the organizers thought it was less embarrassing to hand out maps of at least one city to Africans, which pointed out in which areas they were safe, and in which zones they stood a good chance of being assaulted, simply for having more pigmentation in their skin, than to make headlines because Africans were murdered during the World Cup. In Bull Connor's Alabama, the debate was about whether all people enjoyed civic rights, and not about whether some people ought to be assaulted on sight. Granted, a lot of this is due to severe economic problems and hopelessness that ultimately harkens back to Communism, but Germany really does not need to open this Pandora's box right now.

If the Germans cut a devout Christian family any slack (whatever I may think of the merits of doing so) this can be used, in a justice system where all men, women,and opinions are equal by law, as a precedent with which parents who entertain "aryan" philosophies or intend to homeschool their kids as part of an exchange program with a Pakistani madrassa, can claim that the exact same rights.

There certainly are cases where activism is good and well, but I believe that his is a case where justice and prudence tug in different directions, and is shameless in not explaining the "bigger picture."

Perhaps a more equitable and effective solution would be if those who really want to change Germany would agree to take a neonazi stormtrooper or two in to live with them for six months to a year, and see if they can persuade them to mend their ways.

elena maria vidal said...

Thanks so much for the additional background, sc. (Sorry that the link you made and the bold type got lost in the posting. I apologize.) I think that Americans are concerned because we do not want the same logic applied here and lose our rights to home school our children, if we choose.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Elena Maria, for alerting us about this horrible abuse that is going on in Germany.
I personnaly found that
the article you link is excellent and gives the names and addresses and email links for easy writing to the Germany embassy and other Bavarian officials. There are also links to many German import companies, too. I plan to write a couple on that list to let them know how upset I am, so I am boycotting all German products unless this and other cases like it are resolved.

Also very important to note, is what the Home School Legal Defense Association of the United States talks about, which is that Americans need to "be worried" about what is happening in Germany as these laws are allowed by the U.N., and such anti-freedom laws could easily be enforced world wide. That means WORLD-WIDE TYRRANY!

Also noted is how Michael Ferris and other lawyers of the HSLDA are trying to get an addition to the US Constituiton which would allow parents to homeschol in the USA.
This to me is a shocking realization, that something most people in the USA would never in their wildest dreams imagine could even be a remote possibility of ever happening in AMERICA-- that is NAZI LAWS!! Such is the threat, that we have to actually seek to make a Constitutional Amendment to prevent such a NAZI LAW from happening! My God, what is happening?
God bless you,
Beth Groves

elena maria vidal said...

Thanks so much , Beth, for filling us in about this other frightening aspect of the case.