Thursday, May 30, 2024

World Health Organization Installing Globalist Goals In U.S. Schools

 From Jan Greenhawk at The Easton Gazette:

Most of us have to admit that we knew little of the World Health Organization prior to 2020. We may have heard a vague reference to the WHO when an outbreak of disease occurred in some small country.

We've learned a lot about them since then. Covid showed us the WHO as they really are, tyrannical thugs paid off by the pharmaceutical companies to implement authoritarian vaccine mandates and health practices in autonomous countries. Led by a man who is called "doctor" but is NOT a medical doctor and one whose past in Ethiopia is filled with tales of his corruption and tyranny that caused many in the country to needlessly die when he denied the existence of cholera outbreaks, the WHO not only lacks credibility, but trust. Tedros' denials of cholera in Ethiopia parallel his continuous denials regarding the origins of Covid 19 and his intense desire to control countries while denying them information. and institute forced vaccinations.

Questions surfacing about history of WHO’s director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus - The Globe and Mail

Now as the statistics are revealed regarding the deaths and crippling effects of millions who took the Covid 19 vaccine because the WHO forced countries to administer it to their citizens, the World Health Organization wants a foothold in American schools. And they will do whatever they need to do to accomplish that. (Read more.)


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