Monday, May 27, 2024

Chinese Spies Breach US Military Bases

From what I have heard, this has been going on for years. From American Military News:

 The FBI and Department of Defense have documented over 100 incidents of Chinese nationals posing as tourists to gain unauthorized access to U.S. military bases and other federal sites. Labeled as “gate crashers” by U.S. officials, these individuals have employed various methods, from crossing into restricted missile ranges to swimming near key rocket launch sites, according to information obtained by The Wall Street Journal.

“In coordination with our defense and intelligence community partners, the FBI is committed to protecting our national security,” an FBI spokesperson said regarding the report of Chinese nationals trespassing on U.S. government property. Recent attempts include a group of purported tourists trying to force their way into Fort Wainwright, Alaska. (Read more.)



Nancy Reyes said...

here in the Philippines, Mayor Guo is a suspected Chinese spy at a town 30 miles from a military base. They also have discovered a lot of Chinese students studying in the extreme north of the Philippines, near a base that would protect Taiwan. Then we have 100 thousand Chinese citizens: some are suspected military connections, often working in the casinos and on line gaming.
And of course their aggression in the West Philippine sea continues.

elena maria vidal said...

MY cousins have told me about all that as well, very scary.