Friday, May 3, 2024

No, These Two Degenerates Are NOT The Parents Of Our Country

 "Momala?" Oh, please. From Jan Greenhawk at The Easton Gazette:

In two separate interviews over the weekend, former shock jock Howard Stern and actress Drew Barrymore implied that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the "Father" in Biden's case and the "Momala" in Kamala's case, of the United States of America.

If it wasn't so stupid, it would be funny. Stern actually called Biden a "great father" in his interview. I guess Howard hasn't heard about Hunter or the fact that Joe showered with his adolescent daughter. One wonders if that was sarcasm or if Stern is just being paid off or blackmailed to say such a stupid thing. Then, he rattled off all of Biden's accomplishments. One problem, they were all lies.

I remember when Howard Stern was edgy and cool. He was the radio personality that said things no one else dared to say. That WAS a long time ago and maybe Howard has just lost it.

In Drew Barrymore's case, portraying Kamala as a "mother" to the country is not only ludicrous, but insulting to all mothers as we approach Mother's Day. Everyone knows Kamala's political career was not achieved by hard work and morals, but by serving the right "boyfriends" and having the right skin color. Yes, I said it. Kamala is the ultimate DEI hire. One could possibly forgive Ms. Barrymore since all she has known her entire life was being an "actress." She was emancipated from her parents at 14. That usually means your parents were not the best parental role models.

Since Kamala's poll numbers are so low, Barrymore must also have been paid off or extorted to say such a stupid thing. But, then again, being able to act does not imply intelligence, only the ability to imitate.

This is not the first time that Democrats have resorted to calling their Presidents "parents." In an interview with Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama was affectionately referred to as the country's father. No surprise that Oprah would fawn all over Obama, but it is surprising that this tactic is now being used on Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. It seems Obama is "getting the gang" back together in 2024 to push, or drag, senile old Joe across the finish line.

The effort is to make Biden seem like the calm, wise, grandfather who has kept this country going since 2021. Here's a link to Howard Stern's interview page. Have you eaten recently? You may want to wait to watch lest you go into diabetic shock. (Read more.)


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