Friday, May 31, 2024

Trump Found Guilty: Ben Shapiro Breaks Down the Verdict

 From the Breitbart comments section:

I woke up this morning in a different country from the one I grew up in, and certainly from the one the Founders gave us. But the saddest cut of all for me is that there are citizens - actual ordinary American citizens, who are all in for this, who have no problem with government wiping its ass with the Constitution and railroading a man because he disagrees with the agenda of the power elite. The propaganda media has so effectively brainwashed them to hate this man that they are blind to the obvious truth that once this horse is out of the barn, once the government can completely overrule the rights of an American citizen this prominent they have the precedent to do it to anyone. They're making the rules up as they go to support their agenda minute-to-minute. There's no principle to protect us anymore, and the Constitution isn't worth the parchment it was inscribed upon. Those who support this seem blissfully unaware of what it means, that the nanosecond they run afoul of the government they can find themselves in the same defenseless position.

Leftist blue pills, that means one day this can happen to you, or anyone you love, or any politician you support. You are all in for destroying the system that protects you from abuse of power because you can't see past your own noses on this, and the hatred for one man that you've been hypnotized to feel. You have Stockholm Syndrome. You're in love with your captors. They have given you a movie to watch in place of reality, and the one they cast as the bad guy just lost and of course you're happy about it. But this is no movie. This is no game. You're cheering for the powerful because you think you're going to be on the outside of the cage when the door finally slams shut, but you're wrong. They want to plunder and subjugate you just like the rest of us. You won't be on the private jet to the banquet with Zuck to feast on his macadamia-fed filet mignon. You will be in the peasant class with all of us magas you hate so much, living side by side in our government-issued hovels subsisting on universal basic income and eating cricket burgers, and you'll have your beloved power elites to thank and yourselves to blame. The irony is that Trump and MAGA are actually trying to protect you from your own foolishness. We are the preservative in this nation staving off the rot, but you've been told that rot is ambrosia, and you believe it. You are sad, sad, sad.


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