Friday, December 1, 2023

The Fiercest Battle Being Waged In Our Country

 From Catholic Exchange:

The fiercest battle being waged in our country is for the hearts, minds, souls, and the very bodies of our children. The battle is accelerating as parents wake up to the reality that their children, naturally trusting of authority, are being indoctrinated, groomed, and sexually exploited. The resulting mental health issues skyrocketing among our nation’s youth is sending parents a clear warning – something has gone terribly wrong. Anxiety, depression, self-harm, and suicidal thoughts are no longer uncommon with suicide rates rising fastest among 10–14-year-old girls.

Everywhere you turn targets have been placed on the backs of children to satisfy the blood lust of ideologues, pedophiles, big pharma, the abortion industry, large corporations, social media, the porn industry, and of course the rich and powerful whose thirst for money, power, control, and sex is never satiated. But none have placed more targets on the backs of children than the public school system and the teachers’ unions. Americans, who were sold on the idea that to properly educate children they must be turned over to the “expert class,” have come to realize that the goal of academic excellence has been hijacked.

America’s public schools have become toxic—morally, intellectually, and politically. While it seemed to happen overnight, it has been decades in the making as ideologues, mainly Marxists, saw an opportunity to create a new utopia without God. They began their long march, by infiltrating the universities, teachers’ colleges and finally the entire Public School System and the teacher’s unions.

Perhaps the most influential figure in modern American education is John Dewey, who moved the Frankfurt School, founded by Marxists, to Columbia University. Dewey was a socialist and staunch atheist and spent time in the Soviet Union and upon his return to the States he wrote a book on his admiration for and desire to replicate the way in which their system was used as a political tool. How they were able to so quickly embed a collectivist mindset into children and how they began to dismantle the need for a family unit. “Our special concern here is with the role of the schools in building up forces and factors whose natural effect is to undermine the importance and uniqueness of family life.”

Dewey eventually came to be known as the Father of Progressive Education. His lack of understanding of the dignity of the human person, and his disdain for religion, animated and informed his view of education. Dewey believed that — more than an emphasis on reading, writing and arithmetic – education should be a tool for social engineering and the raising of the consciousness of children toward activism. He taught the philosophy of education at the Teacher’s College at Columbia where he was able to have a vast and profound impact. By 1950, already a third of principals and superintendents of large school districts across the country had been trained there and returned to their districts to spread these theories throughout the nation. (cf. Awake, Not Woke, pg. 174.) (Read more.)


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