Monday, December 18, 2023

On Crime, Corruption & Massive Blind Spots

He should be imprisoned for life. Those who were raped and tortured for his pleasure will never be the same again. From Christine Niles at Stella Maria Media:

At the start of hearing, the prosecutor, John McAdams, spoke first, noting that 18 victim impact statements had been submitted to the court and reminding all present that the victims in child porn are real individuals who were raped and tortured.


"I've been before you many years," McAdams said. "It's a very serious crime. The nature and circumstances of this offense are deeply, deeply disturbing." Referring to media reports, he noted that this "is a case that's received more attention than most do," urging "that the court keep in mind at the front and center of the determination the victims of the case" and "to speak out on their behalf ... to impose a sentence that reflects the seriousness of the defendant's conduct."


The prosecutor also noted that Jackson's position as a "Roman Catholic priest" is "irrelevant" in terms of sentencing, other than the fact that he was in a position of authority. The judge engaged in extended questioning over what he felt was a "low" recommendation of only five years in prison, considering the gravity of the crimes and the fact that Jackson violated his pre-trial release terms and was arrested a second time. 


"I can understand why certain people might think it's too low; I can see why you might think it's too low," McAdams said, "but it's consistent with our recommendations over the course of the years."

Defense attorney John Calcagni presented arguments for why the five-year recommendation was appropriate. As noted, the judge chose to impose a term of six years instead. On Aug. 6, Jackson sent a handwritten letter of apology to his religious community admitting to his "vile sin" and acknowledging that he would spend the rest of his life doing reparation. Jackson is facing possible criminal charges in Kansas, where he was arrested in the spring for accessing child porn again. (Read more.)


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