Sunday, April 30, 2023

The Interiors Style of Marie-Antoinette

Marie-Antoinette may have liked this.
A silly article but some of the pictures are nice. Although the brunette in the 1820's style has nothing to do with Marie-Antoinette. And the picture of the game room is NOT at Petit Trianon or anywhere near it. The Queen loved elegant simplicity, pastels, chinoiserie, fresh flowers, and  rustic country living with a touch of gold leaf. Her brother, not her father, was Holy Roman Emperor when the French alliance was made. But her mother the Empress ruled in her own right as Queen of Hungary and Queen of Bohemia. From House and Garden:

Built a stone's throw from her grander residence, Le Petit Trianon, the Queen's Hamlet (L'hameau de la Reine) served as a bucolic retreat wherein Marie Antoinette could escape the buttoned-up daily life of the royal court and partake in what she deemed as the “comforting and simpler” activities associated with country life (think butter-churning and apple picking). Against the backdrop of the idyllic French countryside, the hamlet featured a functioning dairy farm, a dovecote, boudoir, barn, mill and lighthouse, as well as sizeable acreage of fruit orchards and gardens.

Building a cottage might be out of reach for most, but we can all take away from the Queen's Hamlet its sense of country style and add it to our own decorative schemes. Swap plastic containers for wicker or rattan baskets, for example and opt for woollen blankets and soft fabrics; create comfortable, cosy spaces featuring classic country furnishings such as Howard armchairs (or, their French counterpart, the Bergère armchair), stripped wooden tables and antique porcelain and clay-ware. (Read more.)
This is NOT at Petit Trianon

Now this is a nice modern interpretation of the Queen's style:


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I do like her style a lot. While I like opulence, Versailles is rather nice, it can hurt my eyes in how much is covered in stuff. Rustic is probably a better term.