Sunday, April 16, 2023

China and the Bidens

 From Trending Politics:

China sent a warning to Joe Biden on Tuesday after the Chinese-American bank, Cathay Bank, provided Senate Republicans with records revealing millions of dollars transferred from Chinese firms to Hunter Biden and James Biden.

“In my mind, it’s the Chinese government telling Joe Biden, ‘We got the goods on you, buddy, and we’re willing to dish it up,’” Sen. Johnson told The Washington Times.

The Washington Times reported:
The records show deep financial ties between the president’s son and brother and the now-defunct CEFC China Energy, which had ties to the Chinese Communist Party. The energy giant wired $1 million to Hudson West III, a joint venture owned by Hunter Biden and Gongwen Dong, a business associate of CEFC’s founder and chairman, Ye Jianming.

A second Chinese energy company, Northern International Capital Holdings, which is associated with the communist-backed CEFC, wired $5 million to Hudson West III, the Cathay Bank records show. The money sent from the two companies funded a $4.8 million wire transfer from Hudson West III to Hunter Biden’s companies Owasco P.C. and Owasco LLC, and Lion Hall Group, owned by the president’s brother James Biden.
(Read more.)

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