Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Unbreakable Rules of Flight Etiquette

 From Lifehacker:

Last week I asked you for your unwritten rules of flying. This was a request not for hot takes, but an attempt to lock down the bylaws of air travel that should be common sense, but for some reason are not a given. Reading through over 150 responses, I was forced to wonder if human beings were ever really meant to fly at all. There are some areas where I’m sure we’ll never reach true consensus, such whether it is ever OK to recline your seat, or take your shoes off, or bring a baby onboard. And as mask mandates disappear and summer travel ramps up, I doubt we as a society will reach a point of unity any time soon. Still, the promise of a higher understanding of what’s okay on a plane and at the airport sure does sound like major step to making air travel suck a lot less. (Next stop: Making airlines less evil.) Fasten your seatbelts are fastened: Here are Lifehacker readers’ unwritten rules of air travel. (Read more.)

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