Tuesday, June 14, 2022

The Fashion for Racism Apologies

 Accusations of racism where it does not exist is a typical Marxist ploy used to divide people. From Konstantin Kisin:

Over the last few days, yet more voices have been added to the chorus of people who wish to paint Britain as an intolerant, racist hellhole. At this stage, the grievance grift is so widespread that I usually ignore new people jumping on this most lucrative bandwagon but this week the calibre of the culprits gave me food for thought.

Speaking at the Hay Literary Festival, actor Stephen Fry said that Britons are “deluding themselves into thinking we’re a tolerant society”. He also confessed that he was shocked and embarrassed to realise he was “part of the problem as a decent progressive person”.

Whatever his political views, I hold Stephen Fry in extremely high regard. A fiercely intelligent, creative genius, Fry is arguably one of the most significant British cultural figures of my lifetime. Extremely funny, fantastically articulate and incredibly perceptive, Fry is no fool.

Which begs the question, why do so many otherwise impressive people fall for the false narrative about our country and, even worse, regurgitate it uncritically to their large audiences? (Read more.)


Unknown said...

Why is it that only whites are accused of being intolerant? It seems to indicate that Whites are somehow superior to other races and other races have to be tolerated by Whites.

elena maria vidal said...

Exactly! The people who are so quick to accuse others of racism are often racists themselves.