Saturday, June 25, 2022

The Online Internet Etiquette Manifesto, 3rd Edition

 From Medium:

At the dawn of time, in the early days of people communicating online, before AOL, before MySpace, before Facebook and Instagram, there was peace. It was in those prehistorical days, before all digital online activity was stored forever at a top secret data processing center in Sarasota Springs, Utah, before the end of privacy when people were able to keep secrets, that the following Manifesto was published on a small BBS.

It is written in the vernacular of the people of that ancient time. It was written incorporating the ancient beliefs of those early and very nerdy internet pioneers. The style, which may seem strange to us today, was popular at the time among those who wore pocket protectors and fed punch cards for hours on end into mainframes the size of large rooms programming them to play pong. These early hominids believed that their shared religions, culture, and world view would come to dominate the world when PCs became common household items.

They believed they would rule the world and there would be no more bullying either online or in person. They believed that the general public would look to them in awe and in need of their expertise as the high priests of computing. Finally, they would have the respect due to them. Finally, they would have their day. (Read more.)


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