Wednesday, December 15, 2021

The Real Reason Americans Do Not Have Friends

 From Return to Order:

Another factor leading to the lack of friendship is a culture organized around self-gratification. American society is organized like a co-op enterprise. Everyone seeks to make money and enjoy life by contributing to the co-op and working with others to get a profitable return on their investment. The difference of religions, principles, ideals and cultures takes a back seat to pleasure and profit.

As long as this co-op/society prospers, such relationships thrive. However, when times get rough, they fall apart. The same Hollywood mentality that promotes shallow relationships, also teaches Americans to reject sacrifices. Thus, when the time comes to sacrifice for friends, people see them as liabilities. Tragically, many Americans see these co-op friends as a means to an end.

Thus, such friendships are shallow and short-lived. They put the person’s ego in the center of a relationship. Once the direction of the link strays outside this center, it can be terminated because the idea of sacrifice is so distasteful.

True friendship needs a higher ideal that hovers above the two parties involved. The Christian idea of friendship is based on supernatural faith in God, who provides the motive for sacrifice and love. Thus, Catholics love their neighbors out of love of God not personal benefits. They become capable of sacrifice themselves for their friends as a means of showing their love for them. (Read more.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Not sure this is an American problem.

It's not really possible to have deep and meaningful friendships with people like you once could