Saturday, December 11, 2021

On the Greek Schisms

From One Peter Five:

This is one of the things I realized when I converted from Eastern Orthodoxy to Rome: the primacy of Rome is an ecclesiastical reality which binds all Catholics in charity with one another.

One flock. One shepherd.

St. Ignatius of Antioch (d. 108) said that the Roman See is that See which “presides in charity.” This is an ideal to be reached by every bishop of Rome, and many popes as we know have utterly failed in this ideal, causing great scandal and loss of faith for souls. Yet this charity is also a reality which his office manifests. Ultimately as Catholics we are bound to Rome, whether we like it or not. We are forced, as it were, by ecclesial bonds, to keep charity with the Holy See and with one another. “This is the reason why anyone who does not submit to Rome risks his eternal salvation” I wrote in 2019, “rejecting Rome is an objective denial of charity.”

It’s like the members of your family. You can’t choose your family. You are born out of the union which symbolizes charity, and from this is formed a biological bond which can never be broken. (Read more.)


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