Sunday, December 12, 2021

Sacred Art Exhibition 2021,y_73,w_2048,h_2494/fill/w_668,h_811,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/2nd%20Prize%20_The%20Chaste%20Heart%20of%20St_%20Joseph_%20by%20Robert%20Puschautz%2C%20oil%20on%20linen%2C%2016_%20x%2020_%2C%20N.webp

"Chaste Heart of St. Joseph" by Robert Puschautz

From Catholic Art Institute:

St. Joseph is depicted as bold and strong. He is garbed in a green robe lined with gold which represents his Davidic royal lineage. His right hand holds a lily near his heart which is a symbol of his chastity and is also used as the source of illumination in the picture. As part of a triptych (picture below) created for the St. Joseph's Chapel in Tyler Texas, his left hand gestures to Our Lord, the source of all grace and virtue. While this painting was created entirely from life, I modified the subject and his features to conform better to the ideal of male strength and virtue. (Read more.)


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