The family struck lucky searching for a site for their dream project. In return for looking after the area, the owner of the woods gave them their plot for free. After digging into the hillside, Mr Dale – with the help of his father-in-law, a builder – first constructed the building’s timber frame. The roof, which came next, has a layer of straw bales for insulation and is covered with sheets of plastic to make it waterproof. Finally it is covered with a layer of earth, which ensures the house blends perfectly into its surroundings. (Read entire article.)Share
Novena to St. Joseph
3 days ago
What a lovely house! I always found the Hobbit lifestyle beguiling, too. It's wonderful to build such a beautiful, cozy, sustainable little house so cheaply.
I only wish that the Dales had been able to purchase the land they built this on, and I hate to see people make this kind of investment on other people's property. You never know what can happen; your landlord can die or fall on hard times and have to sell, and the next owner has other plans. Best to do this on property that you OWN.
If I find a wife, getting a troglo-house would be ideal, once the ground was paid. In France there is no habitation tax on troglodyte housings.
I have my own ideas about architecture, but the thing is, it would take heaps of work for several men.
Meanwhile, do have a look at my blog posts:
Oh the Sunshine on the dewdrops on the cobwebs in the fog ...
(REM has been notified about second stanza)
L'Esprit d'Escalier
and - if you do not mind - this one:
Be my Unwin or Hooper if you like!
Wish I could build one...
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