Sunday, June 17, 2007


The following was written a hundred years ago:

It may be said that never was the life of reparation more wanted than it is in our days, for never was God so publicly outraged, so fearlessly blasphemed.

Never has the ruin of souls been so complete, for the faith of people is sapped to its foundations. Never has scandal been so widespread, for it has become national, nor so disastrous, for it attacks even childhood, our last hope. Now, more than ever, then, has Our Lord need of souls who seriously and generously make reparation, and aid Him in atoning for these outrages against God, in saving souls from ruin, and repairing these awful scandals.

Who will respond to the urgent need of the Heart of Jesus and of His Church? Without doubt all souls of goodwill who love God and their neighbor, but particularly all eucharistic souls. The life of reparation is their especial portion, for they live always with Jesus in the Tabernacle, and He is the first object, the model, and the means of reparations.

~ Love, Peace and Joy by the Reverend André Prévot Share


Anonymous said...

Amen, amen. I suppose we could be relieved that it's only just as bad as it was a hundred years ago, and yet, it's even worse now, isn't it? Babies are snuffed out by the millions as a human "right." Euthanasia has become a respectable and humane goal. Oh, and so much else. Jesus was right-on to ask, "When the Son of Man returns, will He find any faith on earth?" Imagine HIM encountering a chocolate naked crucified Jesus..oh, God forgive us. He knew exactly whatof He spoke when He said, "If this is what they do when the wood is green...."

We're so blessed, for He knows the poor in spirit as much as He knows the poor, and has provided means of making reparation to His sacred Heart.

elena maria vidal said...

"If this is what they do in the green wood...." Gypsy, I think of that all the time.

Anonymous said...

There are attitudes and activities today that my post- WWII generation never ever considered or even were aware would ever exist. The 21st Century is continuing the legacy of the 20th Century in being sucked into a vortex of moral depravity from the h ighest levels of leadership. We are in an era of contradictions and inconsistencies characterized by reckless determination where no one takes responsibility to check of inhibit their actions or desires.

elena maria vidal said...

Yes, there are so many things happening now that I never dreamed would exist when I was young.

Anonymous said...

Our Lord is calling souls to adoration and reparation, to what Blessed Théodeline Dubouché called "l'adoration réparatrice." It means — to use an image — that one acts as the port of entry for the IV transmission of Christ's healing mercy to the weakest and most wounded members of His Mystical Body. Who will respond? Priests, in particular, must take their place in adoring silence before the Blessed Sacrament. "I am before Thee, O Lord, for the sake of those who flee Thy presence, turn from Thy Face, and refuse the tender mercy of Thy Heart."

elena maria vidal said...

Thank you, Don Marco! How we need to support our priests with prayers so that they can offer the sacrifice of praise and reparation.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Don Marco for your suggested prayer for reparation. Our beloved Country cries out for a transfusion of Christ's healing mercy upon it and it's leaders.