Saturday, September 7, 2024

The Gothic Style – An Introduction

 From The Victoria and Albert Museum:

The Gothic style first appeared in the early 12th century in northern France and rapidly spread beyond its origins in architecture to sculpture, textiles and painting, including frescoes, stained glass and illuminated manuscripts. This sophisticated new design style combined a detailed observation of nature with an expressive elegance. Gothic was quickly adopted throughout Europe, with versions of the style still visible in the 16th century.

The term Gothic was first coined by Italian writers in the later Renaissance period (late 15th to early 17th century). The word was used in a derogatory way as a synonym of 'barbaric'. They denounced this type of art as unrefined and ugly and attributed it to the Gothic tribes which had destroyed the Roman Empire and its classical culture in the 5th century AD. (Read more.)



Mary Kay said...

I so much enjoy the posts on timeless art such as the Gothic style. It is inspiring for modern homeowners who can add a little bit of that excellent style with select photos, carpets, etc. I will start aiming at that for my home. Thank you for posting this!

elena maria vidal said...

Thank you for visiting!