Sunday, September 15, 2024

Meanwhile, in Ohio....

 I heard from a reliable source in Ohio about the activities of the migrants. The reality is even worse than the reports. To quote my friend:

The Springfield stuff is true. The police have been told not to take reports. Our RINO Governor has ties to Haiti including a school they started in their dead daughter’s name. I don’t believe for one second he is not involved. There are 3 other towns involved as well. There are many people profiting off this. Americans are being kicked out of rentals in favor of Haitians. Haitians are getting jobs that were never posted. They are going to the top of lists for housing,food , etc....I also heard through the grapevine that the citizens have started a petition to recall the town council. I have heard people say the government there is corrupt. Honestly don't know if they are Democrats or Republicans not really much difference here.


Reel of the Springfield Town Council, here.



Read about the National Youth Advocate Program, HERE. Coming to Maryland.

From Revolver:

What’s happening in Ohio is growing bigger and scarier by the day. As most of you know, Ohio residents are now claiming that Haitian “migrants” are eating their pets, along with the geese and ducks at local parks. Naturally, the media—who haven’t lifted a finger to investigate—rushed to dismiss these claims as ‘lies.’ Of course they did, because this story, like everything else unfolding in Ohio, doesn’t fit the left-wing agenda.

As we’ve noted, the situation in Ohio is fluid and constantly changing. We’ve gone from shocking tales of pet-eating savages to an onslaught of horrific car accidents caused by unlicensed, reckless Haitian migrants, creating chaos, death, injuries, and skyrocketing insurance rates. Now, we’re hearing that someone has put together a video showing alleged Haitian “migrants” wreaking dangerous havoc on the roads, and it looks horrifying. (Read more.)


There is a report that some migrants are being registered to vote. From GP:

Ohio’s election integrity unit announced on Thursday that it had uncovered a voter fraud scheme that involved Haitians living in the state.

In a press release on Thursday, Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose outlined details of the scheme and said he would “aggressively pursue” those involved, including third-party groups and paid canvassers.

The release stated:

Secretary of State Frank LaRose announced today that his Election Integrity Unit has issued a warning to Ohio’s 88 county boards of elections after an investigation uncovered the use of illegal voter registration forms by a government agency.

“This is a reminder to all of our elections officials to be vigilant as we enter the final weeks of voter registration eligibility for the 2024 general election,” said Secretary LaRose. “We’re continuing to aggressively pursue third-party groups and paid canvassers who’ve been submitting fraudulent registration forms, and we’re cracking down on the use of illegal forms that aren’t authorized by my office as the law requires. These investigations are happening even as we continue to broaden the enforcement of Ohio’s constitutional citizenship voting requirement.” (Read more.)


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