Friday, September 13, 2024

Of Cats, Ohio and the Haitian Invasion

A horrific situation. From Mark Steyn:

Re that last one, J D Vance and others are getting some pushback for claiming that, in Springfield, Ohio, Haitian "refugees" are eating their neighbours' domestic pets. Naysayers insist that no cats were harmed in the making of this "far right" "fake news" story. On the other hand, from Springfield's Channel 6 News:

Woman arrested for allegedly killing cat, eating it in front of neighbors

That would be Allexis Telia Ferrell. On the other other hand, The Daily Dot responds, ah, yes, cat-eating may be happening in Ohio, but relax, it's not by "recent" immigrants:

Prominent conservatives are blaming recent immigration from Haiti after a woman in Ohio was arrested for allegedly eating a cat.

The only problem? The woman has lived in America for the past six years.

So her preferred dinner order is as American as apple pie with a side-order of Maine Coon. Got it. Very helpful.

Doubtless, even in America, the truth will eventually emerge. But, as the many fine judges I have been up before in US courtrooms like to say, we don't need to reach that particular question. The essentials of the situation are enough:

Per the last census (2020), Springfield has a population of 58,000.

The nutters in charge of this great republic then decided that a (Republican-voting) city of 58,000 would benefit from the addition of 20,000 Haitian "refugees". They have TPS, which means "Temporary Protected Status" - like the Somalis, whose "temporary" protection began in 1991 and is scheduled to end a week today. Well, we'll see.

But, at a stroke, Springfield has been turned twenty-five per cent Haitian, and, given the sex and age distribution of the "refugee" cohort, rather younger and more male than it previously was. On that scale of importation, there is no possibility of assimilation with the mores of Springfield. Someone has taken the decision to kill the existing Springfield, and in its place will rise something other.

Such as what? Well, Haiti has the fourth highest murder rate in the world, so an increased Clark County corpse count would seem the way to bet, and not just in cats.

As elsewhere in the western world, the traffic is all one-way. Nobody in, say, Port-au-Prince needs to worry about the town suddenly becoming twenty-five per cent Ohioan. (Read more.)


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